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General nun who washed the horse

Last Updated January 27, 2022

Konan Ward folk tale

Kaminagaya, a nun who washed the horse

At the border between Kaminagaya and Noba, a river crosses the "Kamakurashita Road".
There is a waterfall upstream, and the waterfall pot is an affordable washing place, and travelers washed horses here, prepared themselves, and headed to Kamakura, so nobody said, This river was called the Maarai River.

One day, Masako Hojo, a nunsho passed here to visit Genji's prayer place, such as Komyoji.
Then, two young warriors were washing their horses.
Masako called out to his accompany. "A little rest ..."
For he looked at the young warriors there, and he saw his late son's Yoriya and his real morning.

Image of Masako Hojo and Horse

"Isn't there been no way to save children and grandchildren at that time because of the terrible political conflict?"
Masako was worried about it.
Masako gently left the two young warriors, saying, "Please be careful and come to Kamakura."

Masako covered the mother's hardship and sadness, wearing Ichikasa deeply.

After that, the Nun would have been worshiping Komyoji for many years.
Yoriya, I put a lot of things to the local people each time to become a memorial service in the morning.
Masako, a nun, who was said to be a man, also seemed to be a mother when he passed the "Kamakura Underground Road".

One day, the people of the land was to build a deep trust in Masako
In this way, the story of "washing horses in the Maarai River" came to be conveyed later. Regarding the bridge, it is still a "riddle" whether it was or not.
Even now, near Maarai Bridge, you can still feel the legend of Masako Hojo and the shadow of "Kamakura Underground".


This is a story recorded in "Hometown Konan's Old Story".
Each folk tale is free to use in principle only for non-commercial purposes.
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