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I've been on a trip

Last Updated January 27, 2022

Konan Ward folk tale

Jizo Hino who was on a trip

Once upon a time, people living in the southern mountains of Konan could eat fish only when fish sellers came from Kamakura.
Fish sellers brought a lot of fun stories about events in the town and things in other villages along with fresh fish. So the villagers were always looking forward to the fisherman.

It's one day. The fish seller approaching Kotsubo Road was killed in a chasing. It would have been very difficult to leave the family and to die away from a remote land.
The villagers were very sad about the death of the fish seller, and even though they struggled with their lives, they raised little money, built Jizo, and tried to comfort the spirit of fish selling.

Image of the disguised Jizo

At that time, the sun continued, and the year when rice did not grow. The villagers called this Jizo-sama "Eradication Jizo" and gradually began to support their hearts.

However, the flow of a new era ... Houses have been built around Kotsubo, roads have been built, and old ones have disappeared.
The ridiculous Jizo, who has been watching over people for a long time, was forgotten in the overgrown grass.
On the contrary, the evil Jizo, which was completely disguised, was expelled together with the two small Jizo on both sides.
From this day, a sad journey of the eradication Jizo, who has no pick-up has begun. The place of residence had to be changed six times, after the old temple, the side of the park, and even open space.
The eradication Jizo, who had been on a trip has not yet returned to its original location. When will I be able to return to my hometown, Kotsubo?

Image of eight Jizo statues

By the way, eight Jizo statues are lined up in the place where Joganji Temple was originally located on the Kamakura Highway in Hino. Jizo is a mysterious number because it is normal to be one set of six bodies.
In fact, two of them are small Jizo, who were previously on both sides of the evil Jizo Jizo.
For this Waki Jizo, this was probably the most calm place to watch over the busy highway.


This is a story recorded in "Hometown Konan's Old Story".
Each folk tale is free to use in principle only for non-commercial purposes.
For more information, please contact the Konan History Council.
Konan History Council homepage (outside site)

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