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Even if it is not sticky, mochi Isaka

Last Updated January 27, 2022

Konan Ward folk tale

Even if it is not sticky, mochi Isaka Saido

It's been a long time ago.
There is a slope called "Mochi Isaka" at the border between the current Konan Ward and Bessho in Minami Ward.
A large pine was planted for a signpost, called Ichirizuka. "Mochi Isaka" is a road created in the Kamakura period. It was famous for its particularly strong roads under Kamakura, covered with vegetation, dim even in the daytime, and the slopes were very steep. And the travelers were determined to climb.
One day, a great monk named Michikoshi, who had been traveling from Kyoto, entered this road. From the villagers, "On a steep slope, I'm sorry ..."
And before he had heard the word that he began to climb. It was because I wanted to go to Kosugaya.

Monument of Mochi Isaka

Because mochi Isaka, I completely thought that the tea shop on the hill must be selling rice cakes.
I told myself that I could eat my favorite mochi after a long absence, Shinbo and Shinbo, so I climbed up the steep slope, and finally reached the top of the hill.
I saw a tea shop in my eyes. "Oh, I've been used."
While saying, the mochi began to flicker, the feet were light, and I approached the owner of the teahouse. But there was no rice cake that the monk was looking forward to.
He would have been really disappointed, and he wrote such a haiku record in a diary called "Kokukoku Miscellaneous" that summarizes this journey.

Image of the view from the top
View from the top of Mochi Isaka

Go ahead
I can't see it
But it's hard
Eat your palms

This is the meaning of this.
(I finally arrived at Mochi Isaka, hoping that I could eat the mochi, and looked around, but there was no mochi shop, but there was no mochi shop, and the straw that I was wearing was just stuck in my feet.)
Even now, the area where Mochi Isaka climbed is called "Amazakedai", but after this story, it seems that Nangenka tea shop sold amazake. But I'm not sure if I was selling rice cakes.


This is a story recorded in "Hometown Konan's Old Story".
Each folk tale is free to use in principle only for non-commercial purposes.
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