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Port Business Glossary -N-

Last Updated August 5, 2024

-Ah- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - La- --wa-


NACCS(Nippon Air Cargo Clearance System)
Air cargo customs clearance information processing system. It was introduced in August 1983 at New Tokyo International Airport and at the same logistics base (TACT). It was expanded to Osaka International Airport in October 1980. A system that connects computers at air cargo information processing centers in Tokyo and Nakano to customs, airlines, banks, forwarders, etc. online to automatically process customs clearance and related operations.
NAFTA(North American Free Trade Agreement)
North American Free Trade Agreement. An agreement for the United States, Canada, and Mexico to open each other's markets and create a free trade zone within the region. The main contents are (1) the elimination of tariffs between the three countries over a maximum of 15 years, and (2) the abolition of financial regulations. (3)Increase the local ratio of automotive parts to 62.5% in eight years. The agreement, which creates a market with a total population of 360 million and a total gross domestic product of $6 trillion, came into effect on January 1, 1994 after the ratification of each country.
nail started
There is a nail.
natural ventilation
Natural ventilation
N/B(Neutral Body)
→Neutral body
N/B(North Bound)
Refers to the return (northbound) on regular routes in Australia. (Anti) S/B
NCA(Nippon Cargo Airlines Co.、Ltd.)
Nippon Cargo Air Lines Co., Ltd. Established in 1978 by All Nippon Airways, NYK, MOL, KL, and YSL. After that, with capital participation from trading companies, other Japanese shipping companies, banks, etc., he obtained a license for the Pacific route in 1983, and started operation in 1960. At present, it has expanded its routes to Hong Kong, Singapore and Europe.
near accident
Niya incident (an incident that was about to be an accident sooner)
Negotiation (also called Nego)
net sling
Mokko (a rope woven into a net for frying and wholesale in miscellaneous goods and bags)
next port
Next port (anti) previous port
NIES(Newly Industrializing Economies)
Emerging industrial economy region.
no chow
Nou Chau (slang, working without meals, often during occupation)
Not arrived (the package is missing on the way and cannot be obtained)
nonpacked cargo
Unpackaged cargo
notice of readiness
Notice of completion of cargo handling preparation (The captain will notify the shipowner of the completion of preparation after entering the port, and after a certain period of time, the berthing time will be calculated by charter contract.)
I will notify you.
not responsible for
Irrelevant (wording often used in the summary of the mate receipt)
N/T(Net Tonnage)
→Net tonnage
NTB(Non-Tariff Barriers)
→Non-tariff barriers
NVOCC(Non-Vessel Operating Carrier)
Those that do not own transportation means such as ships by themselves and transport them using services of actual carriers such as marine carriers. Transport responsibilities and tariffs are carried out in their own name. In Japan, forwarders often enter the NVOCC business, which is the case with carriers.

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