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Port Business Glossary --

Last Updated August 5, 2024

-Ah- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - La- --wa-

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Japanese-English search


Domestic transport
Domestic marine transportation services.
Coastal feeder
Domestic shipping refers to freight transportation between domestic ports by ship. The coastal feeder refers to the feeder service by this coastal vessel. In particular, it often refers to the secondary transport of international container cargo.
Domestic Trade Unit, Road Terminal
Terminals for unit load transport by container ships, RO/RO ships, and ferries that transport miscellaneous goods in domestic trade. It is necessary to play a role as a node in the network of domestic trade transit routes in view of the size of the hinterland, the actual handling of cargo and its predictions, and access to expressways. Node
National Art Park Concept
In addition to making the waterfront, which is the biggest feature of central Yokohama, a space that is more familiar to citizens than ever, existing local resources such as historical buildings will be used in creative fields represented by cultural arts, etc. The plan is to foster industries and discover tourism resources by creating new attractions.
A nanometer is a 1/1 million millimeter, which is equivalent to the size of a molecule. The processing and measurement technology in nano units is called nanotechnology.
Composition gasoline in the middle of gasoline and kerosene.
Oil return
Parapets installed at the top of embankments and seawalls have the function of turning the front into a concave surface and returning the collided waves to the sea side.
North-South route
A route connecting Europe, North America and Asia in the Northern Hemisphere and Africa, South America and Oceania in the Southern Hemisphere.

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