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Port Business Glossary -

Last update date December 19, 2023

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Sea & Air Transportation
A method of transporting ships and aircraft in international transport. What are the main routes from Japan?
1. Carriage to the west coast of North America by ship and then to Central and South America and Western Europe.
2. From Hong Kong and Singapore to Western Europe and Oceania.
3. There is a route that airlifts from Russian coastal ports to Western Europe and the Middle East as a relay point.
Sea & rail transport
A method of transporting ships and railways. The transportation mode is quite common for North America, especially with the development of DST in recent years.
Cel Cargo (CL Cargo)
Large cargo that fills one container. The European alliance is also referred to as FCL Cargo.
sea berth
A method in which mooring facilities such as piers, dolphins or buoys are set up offshore, such as tanker mooring, and transport is carried out by pipelines laid on the shore and undersea.
※(Public Corporation) Published by the Japan Port Association, “Ports by Numbers 2014”
Seablue business
A project aimed at improving the bottom quality of the waters in closed waters, creating a marine environment that is friendly to nature and living things, and creating a marine space with high hydrophilicity.
Sealand method
CY cut
Close the acceptance of loading into the container yard (CY).
Seattle Vancouver route
→PNW(Pacific North West)
Direct shipment (Jikazumi)
1. (Jikazumi, Jikizumi) This refers to the method in which cargo is carried to the ship side at the shipowner's responsibility and delivered to the shipping company to ship. Total shipment
2. (Jikazumi) Do not use racks, etc., and place products directly or on flat pallets and stack them on the floor.
Direct pick-up
A method in which imported cargo is delivered directly to the shipowner on the ship side. (San) Total fried chicken
A vessel
Foreign ships that are guaranteed long-term chartered by a Japanese shipping company and built at a Japanese shipyard.
Prior consultation system
A system in which port labor and management consults in advance to prevent employment insecurity in the event of the launch of an innovative ship that may have a significant impact on the employment of port workers or the change of terminal by a shipping company.
Act on Promotion of Time
It was established in June 1992 to encourage small and medium-sized enterprises to shorten working hours. The main contents are 1. The Labor Minister will formulate short-term guidelines that include short-term goals. 2. Companies in the same industry will work together to create a joint short-term implementation plan. 3. If this plan is approved by the state, the corporate group will receive financial assistance from the state.
All-out survey
→Total survey
The shipper. (Anti) Consony
Ship nets
Designated bonded area (pesigned bonded area)
A type of tax reserve. Land, buildings and other facilities owned or managed by public organizations such as the national government, local governments, and other public entities, designated by the Minister of Finance as a place where foreign goods can be handled and stored with tariffs.
Car-only Ships
A ship that transports a car exclusively. There are two types: PCC (Pure Carrier pure car carrier) that transports only cars, and Car Bulk Carrier (Car Bulk Carrier), which can carry both cars and car cargo such as grains. PCC
Shift (shift)
This means that a ship or the like moves the mooring place.
jib crane
A crane that has a beam horizontally or diagonally from the mount, pillar, mast, driving trolley, etc. as a supporting point. A beam is called a jib. Dibuclane generally performs a turning operation such as full turning, semi-circle turning, etc.
Figure of dibuclane (21694 bytes)
Siberia Land Bridge
→SLB(Siberian Land Bridge)
Sister port
At Yokohama Port, the Port of Oakland, the United States (S.55.5.2 alliance), Vancouver, Canada (S.56.5.15 alliance), China (S.58.10.12 alliance), the Port of Melbourne, Australia (S.61.5.24 alliance), the Port of Hamburg, China (S.61.5.24 alliance), the Port of China). Of these, Shanghai and Dalian ports are affiliated with each other as "friendship ports" and Melbourne Port is a "trade cooperation port."
The port that delivers the cargo. Or refers to the destination port of the ship.
The chassis of a car. In a port, it refers to a trolley that moves with a container. The method of loading and storing by chassis in a container terminal is also called the chassis method or the sealand method.
Fig. of the chassis (14070 bytes)
Social Capital Development Priority Plan
In the past, with regard to the development of social capital such as ports, airports, and roads, we have made annual budget requests in accordance with long-term plans for each business field, including the five-year port plan, and worked to systematically promote the project. However, based on criticism such as "inviting rigidity in budget allocation", nine long-term plans for each sector under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism were integrated into one, and the priority of planning was changed from "operating expenses" to "results (outcome targets)" In addition, the Social Infrastructure Priority Planning Act, which aims to strengthen cooperation between business fields and efforts for public works reform, was implemented from April 203, 203.
Shackle (shackle)
Metal fittings used for concatenation of measures and chains, anchors of chains, and other connection between hanging holes.
Just in time
→Kanban method
Shachokyo Bridge, a cable-stayed bridge
A bridge in which a continuous girder is supported by a steel cable stretched diagonally from the tower on the central abutment. In Yokohama Port, we see examples of Bay Bridge, Tsurumi Tsubasa Bridge, Daikoku Ohashi Bridge, and Minamihonmoku Ohashi Bridge.
Collection and collection
Mainly refers to sales activities that collect cargo transported by liner.
Free Port
This refers to a trading port that has a system in which a certain area is opened from its own customs administration and import control, and allows foreign goods passing through it to freely enter and exit without tariffs.
Important Ports
Ports other than international strategic ports and international bases specified by a Cabinet Order as ports that serve as bases for maritime transportation networks and other ports that have a significant relationship with the interests of the country. Kushiro Port, Sakata Port, Aomori Port, Takamatsu Port, Nagasaki Port, etc. (102 ports as of April 1, 2016)
Weight tonnage
This term is compared to the volume tonnage. For ships, the weight tonnage and drainage tonnage are collectively referred to in the broad sense, but in the narrow sense it refers to only the weight tonnage. On the other hand, there are various types of cargo such as metric ton, long ton (1 ton = 2,240 pounds), and short ton (1 ton = 2,000 pounds).
dredging (dredging)
Exposure of seabed sediment such as sea areas and canals. It is performed to maintain the water depth of sea routes, boat pools (Tomari Ponds), canals, or for environmental conservation and purification.
Dredging diagram (19004 bytes)
Net Tonnage (N/T: Net Tonnage)
An index to represent the size of a place inside a ship that is used for transporting passengers or cargo, and is calculated by formula under the Tonnage Convention. In Japan, it is a standard for various fees and taxes such as ton tax. Abbreviation is N/T. Tonnage of ships
Shoring (shoring)
Work to fix the position of cargo using wood (square wood, board material, etc.) or pipes.
Merchant Vessel
Ships intended to earn fare revenue by transporting passengers or cargo.
(← → fishing boats, warships, special ships)
Commercial Ports and Commercial Ports
One of the classifications by the function of the port. A port that has regular domestic and international routes and loads and unloads trade cargo. Yokohama Port has long been a commercial port, and on the other hand it also has an industrial port function. Industrial Ports
Commercial port functions
A function that connects marine traffic and land traffic in passenger traffic and logistics.
However, after World War II, passenger traffic was replaced by aircraft except for some cruise ships.
Easiness rate
Percentage of actual shipment to the ship loading space. In the case of a containership, the ratio of the number of loaded containers to the number of loaded containers (or allotted slots).
Refers to the caisson on the quay or the concrete part on the top of the sheet pile.
Plant Protection Station
In order to eliminate and prevent insects that are harmful to plants, inspections of plants from abroad and epidemic prevention work are conducted. Imported plants are subject to measures such as import prohibition or disinfection depending on the quality and loading area. Under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, there are 99 sea airports nationwide under the Plant Protection Act. The Yokohama Plant Protection Station is set up in Yokohama. For short, it is also called planting and planting.
Silt (silt)
It refers to soil particles with a particle size of 0.074 to 0.005 mm, which are classified according to soil classification. The finer soil than the silt is called clay, and the coarse soil is called sand. The soil with a lot of silt is called viscous soil.
New energy
Due to economic constraints, the spread is insufficient, and it is particularly necessary to promote the introduction of alternative oil energy.
The following is specified in the "Special Measures Law Enforcement Ordinance on Promotion of New Energy Use, etc."
Solar power generation, solar heat utilization (hot water supply, heating, cooling, and other uses), wind power generation, snow and ice heat utilization, biomass power generation, biomass heat utilization, biomass fuel production (alcohol fuel, biodiesel, biogas, etc.), salinity difference power generation, temperature difference energy, geothermal power generation (limited to binary type), hydroelectric power generation using unused hydropower (1,000 kW or less) (renewable power generation) (renewable power generation) using renewable energy (renewable power generation (limited to renewable energy) (limited to renewable energy) ⇔1,0kW or less) (renewable power generation (limited to ⇔1,0000000000000kW or less) ⇔1) ⇔1) ⇔1) ⇔1) ⇔00000
New sea
This is one of the projects based on the Port Carriage Business Act, but only the CFS operations of CT operated by a shipping company could be entrusted to the infinite type of company, and the shipping company could not be entrusted to it. For this reason, the limitation of contractors has been removed so that both shippers and shipping companies can do so. This refers to industries that have become able to perform CFS operations in this way. It is also called "new shipping cargo handling business" or "sea freight no limited".
Single window
A system that allows users to perform procedures for multiple administrative agencies by inputting and transmitting one time to one system.
For example, the port entry notification had to be entered and sent to the port manager, port manager, customs, immigration bureau, and quarantine station systems, but the single window system operation (starting in July 2003) enabled the transmission to be done in one time.
Letter of Credit
→L/C(Letter of Credit)

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