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Port Business Glossary - A-

Last Updated August 5, 2024

-Ah- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - La- --wa-

-Ah- -- -- --e- --

Japanese-English Search (A)


I.P. H.
IAPH (International Association of Ports and Harbors: International Ports Association). Yokohama Port is also an international NGO whose regular members are port managers around the world.
The length of the cantilever frame, etc. of the crane for handling marine containers. In the case of a bridge-type crane, it is the distance from the center of the quay rail on the sea side to the center of the cargo when the cargo is loaded to the full tip of the boom on the sea side. In the past, it was 40m, but due to the large size of container ships, many are as long as 45m.
Compressed Book
The name is where the book price is indicated by reducing a certain amount from the acquisition cost. Under the tax law, examples can be seen in national treasury subsidies, construction contributions, insurance benefits, etc.
Consolidation (Atsumitsu)
When a new load is added to the fine soil of particles, the water is gradually drained and subsidence is called compactness. The alluvial clay layer, which is widely deposited in Yokohama Port, is tens of meters thick and causes sedimentation in landfills.
Rear ship
A ship that will arrive at Bath on the shore. (Anti) Previous Ship (Sakibune)
Application (application)
Refers to an application or application form. It may also refer to "application for use of quay" or "application for use of mooring buoyage", and is also used by shipping companies and others to apply for special fares to the alliance, and has a wide range of uses.
American Land Bridge
Operational forms in which several shipping companies gather to operate two or more routes and services on a global scale. By avoiding duplicate investment and ship allocation, the service area and frequency can be expanded, making use of economies of scale.
Araival Notice
The landing notice. A letter in which the ship company informs the shipowner of the expected date of arrival, cargo details and fare.
Alage (ullege)
The distance from the tank top to the oil surface by tanker etc.
Arage measurement
When loading liquids such as tankers, measure from the array hall to the oil surface and calculate the loading capacity.
unloader (unloader)
A type of crane that unloads bulk cargo such as ore and coal from the ship on the quay.
※(Public Corporation) Published by the Japan Port Association, “Ports by Numbers 2014”

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