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Port Business Glossary - Chi-

Last Updated August 5, 2024

-Ah- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - La- --wa-

-- --chi- -- -- - and -

Japanese-English Search (Chi)


Regional Districts
According to the City Planning Act, the city planning area stipulates what is necessary in the area, such as the most basic restricted zone, scenic area, harbor area, etc., districts or blocks, and these are collectively referred to as regional districts .
Local ports
Ports other than international strategic ports, international base ports and important ports. (808 ports as of April 1, 2016)
charter back
A ship that is sold by a shipping company, registered as a facilitatorship in a facilitator country, assigned seafarers in developing countries, and chartered by the ship again. The main aim is to reduce costs by ship registration and ship crewing in developing countries.
Alluvial clay layer
A relatively new stratum formed about 20,000 years ago is called an alluvial layer. Alluvial layers are generally soft and often composed of humus, mud, etc., and are called alluvial clay layers.
Long-term loans receivable
Until now, it was necessary to obtain a temporary license from the port manager for each port facility (yard 1 year, 12 hours per quay) due to the specific pier operation efficiency promotion project. Long-term lending (30 years) of the quay operated integrally and the cargo handling facilities, harbor transportation facilities, passenger facilities, storage facilities, port management facilities and other related facilities) has become possible. (San) Specific Wharf Operation Efficiency Promotion Project
Superconducting propulsion vessels
A ship that generates and promotes Lorentz force using superconducting magnets. There are no propellers, large electrode plates on the outer plate, large electric magnets on board, equipment that cools them, and generators that supply current to the electric plate. It is expected to be a system in shallow waters such as rivers, as well as a propulsion system for deep-sea research vessels and diving tankers.
current (tidal current, tidal stream)
Flow of seawater due to the ebb and flow of the tide
Direct trade
Manufacturers directly export their products without the help of trading companies, or directly import raw materials from overseas by manufacturers who are consumers. On the other hand, indirect import and export by a manufacturer through a trading company is called indirect trade.
Chilled transport
Refrigerated transportation. A term used for refrigeration transport, which regulates the indoor temperature of the container to a range of -1°C to 3°C and maintains quality during the transport period. It is also used for container transportation of raw meat.
Sinking vessels
A sinking ship is a ship in which water enters the ship and dies in the water, and an abandoned ship is an unavailable ship or a ship whose registration has been deleted.

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