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Port Business Glossary - - -

Last Updated August 5, 2024

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Customs clearance
Court procedures for import and export goods to customs. Specifically, it refers to an export or import declaration to a permit.
Custom-house brokers
They are also referred to as custom brokers or customs brokers. A person whose business is to handle customs clearance procedures related to the import and export of trade goods on behalf of the shipper, and has been approved by the tax office in charge of the business area. In many cases, freight forwarders, warehousing agents, and transport operators also serve.
Those who have passed the customs examination, which is a national examination, and who are engaged in customs clearance work with the confirmation of the Director General of Customs based on the application of the customs clearance company at work. In Yokohama, Tokyo, and other places, customs brokers are required to have customs brokers at each sales office that perform customs clearance operations.
There are two types of vessels that connect and return between the ship and land, one for business and one for private use. Port Service Co., Ltd. and Keihin Ferry Boat Co., Ltd. operate commercial vessels at Yokohama Port.
Easy-to-use Port Promotion Council
Yokohama Port was established in June 1997 with the aim of strengthening the international competitiveness of Yokohama Port and further promoting its use by realizing high-quality “port services” and “optimizing total costs” that meet user needs. In November 2002, we formulated the Yokohama Hub Port Program and worked to solve various issues related to port operations in general, promoting the creation of easy-to-use ports.
Tug-of-war tug-of-war
When a ship is landed on the quay or departed, the work of attaching or releasing a wire rope or nylon rope on the side of the ship to the mooring column.

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