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Port Business Glossary -F-

Last Updated August 5, 2024

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(e.g. boom) failure, (mechanical, etc.) failure
FAK(Freight All Kinds rate)
Non-discriminatory fare by item. The box rate set in the form of how much per container, regardless of the item.
Fishing nets (also known as cargo wires)
false deck
Falls Deck (temporary loading deck)
FAZ(Foreign Access Zone)
Import promotion area. Areas where import facilities, businesses, and activities are concentrated in ports, aviation and surrounding areas to facilitate import. In accordance with the Act on Temporary Measures for Promotion of Imports and Facilitation of Inward Investment Business, which was enacted in 1992, the State designates FAZs to the region. Yokohama City was designated as "FAZ" in 1993.
FCL(Full Container Load)
Cargo that satisfies one container. (Anti) LCL (San) Cel Cargo
FCS(Fidelity Commission System)
A charge refund system for shippers who have not used an extra-aligned ship for a certain period of time. A system similar to the double fare system prohibited by the Maritime Law of the United States in 1984. The Alliance has tried to introduce FCS to prevent outflows, but it has become practically difficult.
FCV(Full Cell Vehicle)
Fuel cell vehicles
feeder box
Feeder box (injection at the entrance of the ship hold for grain loading)
feeder service
Feeder service (operation of branch routes connected to the main containership route)
FEFC(Far Eastern Freight Conference)
European Alliance. General term for round-trip alliances connecting Asia with Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to Asia and Nordic states, it covers a wide range of areas including the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. However, the West Bank of Thailand/Europe and the East Coast from the Mediterranean Sea are under the jurisdiction of a separate alliance.
Fueder (buffer that is lowered between the quay and the vessel)
ferry boat
Ferry boats (traffic boats, foot boats)
FEU(Forty-foot Equivalent Unit)
A unit when the number of containers is converted to a 40-foot container. TEU
FI(Free In)
The shipper arranges onboard cargo handling and bears the cost and danger. On the other hand, the shipping company arranges onboard cargo handling for unloading, bears the cost and danger, and also bears the port cost.
FIATA (Federation Internationale des Association Transitaires et Assimiles; [English] International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations)
Established in 1926. An association of international transport organizations headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland.
field office
On-site offices
filler cargo
Filler cargo (small cargo to fill the empty wall between cargo)
final port
Final destination port (anti-) departure port
FIO(Free In and Out)
There is no charge for shipowners. The shipper shall bear the cost of in-ship cargo handling related to loading and unloading cargo. Fare conditions often used for transporting bulk cargo such as ore and coal.
fire boat
Fire boats
fire extinguisher
fire extinguisher
fire hose
Fire hose
fire main
Fire supervision (e.g., vessels)
fire quarters
Fire Department
fire truck
Fire trucks
fire works
first aid
First aid
Fittings (equipment not directly related to ship operation performance), accessories
flash light
flash point
Flash point
flat car
Uncovered wagons (things without side plates, see godola)
Flexibility (such as wires)
(of the ship) Nationality, Family Register
floating crane
Aboard ship
flooding system
Flow (e.g. cargo)
Flow (e.g. cargo)
Variability (gang, port entry, etc.)
FMC(Federal Maritime Commission)
U.S. Federal Maritime Commission It was established in 1961 to oversee a wide range of regulatory provisions such as the Ship Act, the Shipping Acts of 1916, and the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 and 1936. The Committee is composed of five members appointed by the President (commiter), and the chairperson is appointed by the President.
FO(Free Out)
The shipping company arranges onboard cargo handling and bears the cost and danger. On the other hand, the shipper arranges the cargo handling onboard the ship and bears the cost and danger. In addition, cargo handling conditions are to be borne by the shipping company.
FOB(Free On Board)
It is also referred to as the condition of the ship. The exporter will bear the costs up to loading the ship at the export port, and the importer will bear the costs after loading. The ownership of the cargo shall be transferred from the exporter to the importer at the same time as the ship is loaded at the port. For example, in the case of export from Yokohama Port, it is described as FOB YOKOHAMA. C&F CIF
FOC(Flag Of Convenience)
→Facilitation Registered Ships
(Containers, etc.) fold
No one fails (meaning safe machines and equipment)
fore and aft
(When loading danage, cargo) parallel to the center line of the ship
Forman, supervisor
fork pocket
Fork pockets (a hole for inserting the nails of a fork lift at the bottom of the cargo or container)
(e.g., mete receipts) faulty, dirty
F. R.(Frequency Rate)
Frequency rate (used for safety management)
Easy-to-break (such as cargo)
Dry port (vertical distance from the top of the stuttering line to the top of the deck line in the center of the hull, which is related to the safety of the voyage.)
free space
Free space (space remaining without being used in the hold)
Fare and freight
freight bill
Fare Billing
freight list
Fare statement (prepared by the shipping company)
fresh man
fresh water
Fresh water
(Because the cargo does not slip) friction
fringe benefit
Non-salary benefits (paid leave, pension, etc.)
front man
Front man (also known as sling man), (the worker who hangs and removes the sling)
frozen cargo
Frozen cargo (usually 0°C or less) (visit) chilled cargo
F/S(Feasibility Study)
A feasibility study.
F/T(Freight Ton)
The tonnage applied to the fare calculation. Normal weight 1K/T, or volume / M3 is called 1F/T.
FTZ (Free Trade Zone or Foreign Trade Zone)
Free trade zone. This area is designated by the State as not imposing tariffs on import and export goods for the purpose of promoting domestic trade, mainly in areas around ports and aviation. In the United States, approval is required by the Ministry of Commerce. In the region, processing of foreign cargo and sample exhibitions of manufacturing are permitted, and products are mainly re-exported.
full and down
Packed with space and stuttering in full.
full container ship
Container-only vessels
Fumigation of ships, warehouses, etc.
(of the ship) Chimney

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