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Port Business Glossary - i-

Last Updated August 5, 2024

-Ah- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - La- --wa-

-Ah- -- -- --e- --

Japanese-English search (i)


Raft Transport Business
An industry authorized to carry out work related to the transportation of timber at ports. Wood is assembled in a raft and the water surface is floated for transportation.
Integrated prime contractor
An industry in which FIO cargo is handled onboard, barge cargo, and coastal cargo are handled on behalf of the shipper. Limited general port transport business based on the Port Transport Business Act. (FIO)
General public coastal areas
Of the public coasts, the coastal area that is a so-called natural public entity other than the coastal conservation area. There is no general public coastal area in Yokohama Port.
General goods (general cargo)
General waste
Waste other than industrial waste (waste generated from business activities, specified by a Cabinet Order) among waste, oversized garbage, dirty, waste oil, animal corpses, other waste, or unnecessary waste. It is stipulated in the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law.
Irifune Connection
The ship must be moored at the quay and sanbashi, with the bow (Omote, Hesaki) toward the base. (anti) ship connection
Departure on the same day when the ship enters the port.
ingot (ingot)
Metals such as refined and dissolved aluminum, steel, etc. are hardened with a mold. A cast.
Incentive assistance
In order to reduce the cost of users of Yokohama Port and revitalize the port industry, reduce or exempt all or part of the port costs, such as port entrance fees and port facility fees for quay usage fees, or grant subsidies.
Intermodal transport
Combined transportation. An efficient combination of different transport methods of land, sea and air, such as automobiles, railways, ships, and airplanes.
Independent action
The right to take action. The right to set fares and service levels applicable only when an alliance member uses the carrier alone, apart from the fares and service levels of the alliance unit. Under the U.S. Maritime Law (1984 and 1984), the introduction was required from balance with the impact of the alliance's market power on competition reduction.
Abbreviation of infrastructure. Facilities that form the foundation of cities and industries that have little change over the long term. Ports, railways, motorways, etc. Originally, the substructure, the meaning of the substructure.
inventory (inventory)
Originally, it means creating a list of property and inventory items or inventory, and examining items. Container-related terms refer to the maintenance and inventory management of containers based on supply and demand forecasts, and the smooth and efficient operation of them. It is also called inventory control.
Invoice (invoice)
A statement in which the shipper fills in detail the product name, type, price, shipper, shipper, shipper, shipper, etc. of the shipper and sends it to the shipper.
Inland depot, inland depot
A collection and delivery base for containers inland. It has the function of loading, unloading, mixing, and customs clearing containers unloaded from container ships or containers loaded. A typical example is Utsunomiya Inland Depot in Tochigi Prefecture.

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