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Port Business Glossary -C-

Last Updated August 5, 2024

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C&F(Cost and Freight)
The basic conditions of trade transactions in which the buyer arranges maritime insurance (insurance) as a deformation of the CIF and omits insurance premiums. CIF, FOB
CAF(Currency Adjustment Factor)
Components of maritime fares. It is intended to protect the loss of shipping companies due to currency fluctuations, and there are fluctuations in each country of shipment.
CAJEA(Coucil of All Japan Exporter’s Association)
All Japan Export Union Council. An organization consisting of 31 industry-specific export unions. Coordinate opinions and exchange information on issues related to the common interests of members.
Call Sign
Call sign
Cancellation, cancellation
Canbazaar (collection staff at shipping companies, etc.)
CAPTAIN(Character And Pattern Telephone Access Information Network System)
Character diagram information network system. A method in which necessary information from the information collected in the central storage device is called by telephone and displayed on TV in letters and figures.
It is also called captain, master, skipper, etc.
care mark
Caution mark (a type of seal to write on cargo container)
cargo board
A plate for carrying cargo
cargo capacity plan
Cargo volume map (drawings showing the volume of cargo of each ship hold and used in cargo planning)
cargo clause
Insurance Conditions
cargo damage survey
Freight damage appraisal
cargo handling equipment
Cargo handling equipment
cargo insurance
Cargo insurance
cargo light(lamp)
Cargo Lights (lights for cargo handling)
cargo net
It's also called synonymous. (In order to prevent cargo from entering the sea, a net stretched between the port side and the quay)
cargo operation
Cargo handling
cargo policy
Laundry insurance securities
cargo sling
Cargo slings (Various suspensions for cargo handling)
Carpenter, Carpenter
carton box
Carton (in a box of cardboard that contains light items such as miscellaneous goods)
Packaging, enclosures (such as machines) or excitement
cat walk
Cat work (temporary passages on deck cargo for safety of traffic)
C/B(Charter Base)
Indicators of ship operating profit and loss. The operating profit and loss, which is calculated by subtracting operating expenses from the fare revenue for one voyage, is expressed per ton of weight on the 30th.
CBR(Commodity Box Rate)
The box rate by item. If a single container contains a single product, the box rate set for each item. FAK
CBU(Complete Built Up)
The finished product. It usually refers to a finished car.
CD(Cash Dispenser)
Cash payment machine.
CD(Negotiatable Certificate of Deposit)
Transferable (regular) deposits. Bankers sometimes call it NCDs because they are classified as Cash Dispenser.
CDIT(Coastal Development Institute of Technology)
English name of the Coastal Technology Research Center. A foundation established in September 1983 under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
CDS(Construction Differential Subsidy)
Subsidy for construction difference. As stipulated in the U.S. Merchant Ship Act of 1936, it has been one of the important pillars of the U.S. maritime industry subsidy along with ODS since the 1982 budget has been suspended.
certificate of origin
Certificate of Origin
CFS(Container Freight Station)
A facility for handing over, storing, loading and unloading LCL cargo in containers.
charter party
Chartered contracts (contracts to be exchanged on conditions when renting a ship from another shipping company)
Chassis (towing trolleys for transporting containers)
Charges imposed by shipping companies or alliances / agreements to compensate for a part of the costs of LO/LO, storage, horizontal holding, etc. related to containers from off-docks. The increase in the handling of container cargo has increased the handling of off-dock containers, increased costs that cannot be covered by fares, and increased container forwarding costs in Japan, which has become one of the factors that put pressure on the profitability of shipping companies. To cover this, Southeast Asia-related alliances and agreements were introduced in 1992.
Detectors (mainly U.S.-style names)
chilled cargo
Cold air cargo (usually 1°C or higher) (seeing) Cold cargo
Chipping (to beat the rust on the ship, etc. It is called scaling.
Chocks (triangular wood pieces to be placed under wheels, etc. to prevent cargo movement)
Shoot (with a slip of the cargo)
CIF(Cost,Insurance and Freight)
The basic conditions for trade transactions are the most commonly used fares and insurance premiums today. The seller must bear the dangers and costs of loading the contract on the ship at the port of transport, as well as pay fares and insurance premiums to the destination. Ownership of the contract will be transferred by the seller, which will be handed over to the buyer and officially transferred. For example, when exporting from Yokohama to Oakland, it is added as CIF Oakland. C&F, FOB
Abbreviation for customs, immigration control, and quarantine. With the basic requirements for opening ports (seas and airports), most of Japan's major ports have a CIQ system.
CKD(Complete Knock Down)
Half finished product. It usually refers to automotive parts for overseas local factories.
Claims (requesting damages for damage to cargo)
Classification, Classification (of Ship) Classification
CLB(China Land Bridge)
China Land Bridge. A combined integrated transportation route using containers connecting Central Asia, the Middle East, and Europe via Mainland China. In December 1992, the first train tailored by the Chinese Railway Department departed and started commercial operation. In Japan, Nisshin Co., Ltd. became the first transportation, but currently only transportation to Kazakh.
clean ballast
Clean ballast (a ballast that is not dirty with oil, etc.)
Cleaning (cleaning of ship holds, etc.)
Crites, cable stops, (mainly T-shaped equipment attached to decks, masts, etc., which is fastened with cables) Slip stops (wood pieces fixed to prevent slippage of columns with shoring, etc.),
CLP(Container Load Plan)
Refers to the container loading table of bunned cargo, which is created for each container and submitted to the operator when carrying it into the yard, and is widely used for this shipping plan and for transportation procedures and debunting work at the landing site.
CNR(Canadian National Railways)
Canada State Railway. The core company of the CN (Canadian National), a public entity that oversees transportation, telecommunications, hotels and real estate. The company operates 32,000 miles, the largest railway in North America.
COA(Contract of Affreightment)
Volume shipping contract. Contracts for transporting certain quantities of specified cargo from a specific land or region to a specific landing or region at a fixed fare rate over a certain period of time.
Coming, edge materials, (equipment surrounding equipment so that water does not enter the deck frontage of the ship, which also serves as reinforcement)
COD(Change of Destination)
It's fun. It refers to the change of origin and the change of origin.
COD(Chemical Oxygen Demand)
Chemical oxygen demand. A numerical value indicating the degree of dirt in rivers, etc. as well as BOD. PPM represents the amount of oxygen consumed to oxidize substances that are pollutants such as organic matter in water with an oxidizer (cali permanganic acid, Cali per chromic acid, etc.).
COD(Continued On Docket)
Continued deliberation. For example, if a matter discussed at a meeting is brought over to the next meeting, it will be used like "I will use this matter as COD."
COE(Center Of Excellence)
It is a core research center that collects state-of-the-art research facilities and world-class brains such as the U.S. Institute of Health, Stanford University, and the Pastour Institute of France.
COFC(Container On Flat Car)
A method of loading containers directly. TOFC
Combustible materials
competent person
Appropriate person
Complain, protest, complaint
(Hazards, etc.) concentration
condition report
Carry accident report (prepared in cargo and sent to unloading land)
Consony, shipper (receptor)
Consolidator (a company that collects small cargo and packs it in containers)
container load
Container loading (the amount of cargo enough to fill the container)
contract stevedore
Contract In-ship cargo handling company (in-ship cargo handling company that does not belong to a specific shipping company but works in accordance with the contract)
conventional ship
Conventional vessels
Cooper (a worker who repairs cargo packaging)
corner fitting
Corner fitting, corner fitting, corner fitting (a hole in the corner of the container for lifting the container or fixing it on the car)
Counter mark, side seal (used for various purposes, such as indicating the shipper with the main seal and indicating the shipper with the side seal)
country damage
Land damage (damage already incurred in the original land before cargo arrives at the ship side)
Courses and routes (e.g., education)
CPP(Controllable Pitch Propeller)
→Variable pinch propeller
C. Q.D.(Customary Quick Despatch)
Conduct cargo as quickly as possible with cargo handling capacity according to the customs of the port.
CR(Commodity Rate)
Fare by item. Items set for each item for conventional ships adopted in the Alliance. CBR
Crate, permeable box (package box that allows you to see inside without sealing)
crow bar
Craw bar, (the gold coin used to move heavy cargo)
CS(Customer Satisfaction)
Customer satisfaction
CSC(international Convention for Safe Containers)
Container Safety Convention. Convention on the safety of containers adopted at the International Conference on Container Transport held in November 1972. It was published in September 1977. (However, containers for aircraft are excluded.)
CSG(Consultative Shipping Group)
Transport Council of developed countries. It is a subordinate organization of the Meeting of Ministers of Shipping and consists of 13 countries in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Belgium, the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, and Japan.
CTI(Container Transport International,Inc.)
Established in 1956. The world's largest U.S. container leasing company acquired by Leasco Corp. in 1968. The Japanese agent is CTI World Trade Corp.
Customs C.I.Q.
custom house broker
Customs brokers
customs duties
customs formalities
Customs clearance procedures
customs officer
Tax officer
customs procedure
Same as customs formalities
customs tariff
Customs Table
CY(Container Yard)
The container yard. A place where FCL cargo is collected, stored, stored, stored, and delivered empty containers.

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