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Port Business Glossary-

Last Updated October 13, 2020

-Ah- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - La- --wa-

-Ra- -- -- -- --

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Lead time
The time from planning to commercialization. Or, it refers to the procurement time, such as from ordering a product to delivery. In the case of entering a port, it refers to the number of days required from entering the port to pick-up.
Reefer cargo
Frozen cargo. Cargo (meat, seafood, vegetables, fruits, etc.) that are required to maintain a constant temperature below room temperature during transportation to maintain freshness. Due to the cost of transportation, the fare is set at a high price. In the age of conventional ships, frozen and refrigerated holds are used. At present, containerships and dedicated ships using reefer containers (refrigerated containers) have increased.
Reefer container
Containers for refrigerated transportation, frozen transportation, etc. There are two types: a mechanical cooling device is installed on the edge wall of a container that uses insulation to keep the temperature of the cargo constant, and a type that uses cooling materials such as dry ice, water, and liquefied gas. In Japan, internal organs of mechanical cooling equipment are the mainstream.
Landing agent shop (Landing Esent)
A person who performs all work until the cargo is unloaded from the shipboard and delivered to the shipper on behalf of the ship company or shipper. The work is the opposite of shipping, and the shipping agent also serves as the shipping agent.
Riku Rehmer Ship
It is also called a squirrel. With a belt conveyor, earth and sand can be scattered evenly in the landfill.
Recycling port
Based on the Basic Plan for Promoting the Formation of a Recycling-Oriented Society, which was approved by the Cabinet in March 2003, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) aims to commercialize the construction of a comprehensive vein logistics system centered on ports and harbors (expressing the transportation of products that are arterial logistics, such as human blood vessels, through production and consumption activities). By January 2011, 22 ports have been designated nationwide.
Bandage crane
→Crawler crane
Lift on lift off
In the process in which goods are brought from suppliers to consumers, complex activities such as trading, buying and selling, packing, storage, cargo handling and transportation are involved. In this way, the economic and social activities that link production and consumption are comprehensively regarded as distribution.
Distribution processing
This refers to processing according to an order at the distribution stage before handing over a product to a consumer, simple assembly of semi-finished products, packaging, labeling, etc. are applied. These operations are carried out at locations with storage and delivery functions (distribution centers and distribution centers).
In the past, wholesale and retail businesses have been doing this, but with the speed of distribution, demand for logistics companies has increased, and there is a need to secure distribution processing functions in warehouses.
Utilization Air Transport Business (contracting air carrier, indirect air carrier)
A business that transports cargo using transportation performed by a person who runs the air transportation business for a fee according to the demand of others. A license from the Minister of Transport is required under the Civil Aviation Law.
Passenger ship
Under laws and regulations, ships carrying at least 12 passengers. Generally speaking, ships that mainly transport passengers. According to laws and regulations, ships carrying both cargo and passengers, even passenger ships are referred to as passenger ships.
Harbor area
Designated to maintain and utilize the port function, along with the port area, which is a water area, a basic area for port administration. The designation is one of the regional districts under the City Planning Act, and is decided on a city plan at the request of the port manager. The harbor area is
1. Port manager services, port facilities, and collection of environmental maintenance contributions
And again
2. Scope of regulatory administration, such as regulations on regional structures and notification of acts, etc.
But that's true.
Harbor road
One of the port facilities. Roads that are maintained for contact between the wharf and the wharf. Although it is premised exclusively for port logistics, routes that are expected to be used by general vehicles may be subject to the Road Law and the Road Traffic Law.

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