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List of Proposals (1st Regular Meeting in 2022)

Last Updated December 21, 2023

[Table of Contents]
[Table of Contents]
Submitted on February 9Submitted on February 18Submitted on March 23

Mayor presentation bill:
 Proposals for the current fiscal year
Report of the Supreme Disposition (Article 180 of the Local Government Act)
 Establishment of ordinances
 Partial revision of the ordinance
 Abolition of Ordinances
 Confirmation of landfills, etc.
 Abolition of road certification
 Acquisition of property
 Disposal of Property
 Change of contract
 Supplementary budget
 Proposals for the New Year
 Budget bill
 (Budget-related bills)
 Partial revision of the ordinance
 Conclusion of contract

Member of the Diet:
 Partial revision of the ordinance
 Partial revision of the rules

Mayor presentation bill:
Partial revision of the ordinance
 Personnel Proposals
Member of the Diet:
 Partial revision of the ordinance

"Results" in the table are the results of the decision. It will be posted after voting.

Mayor presentation bill (submitted on February 9)

Proposals for the current fiscal year

Proposals for the current fiscal year
Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Report on a voting disposition based on Article 180 of the Local Government ActCity Bulletin No. 26Requests for payment of royalties for payment of Municipal Housing royalties, prompt settlement of settlement of settlement of settlement of settlement of case and settlement of Municipal Housing royaltiesSettlement and civil settlement related to delinquency of Municipal Housing royalties
(1)Number of settlements: 15 Total: Approx. 2,522 thousand yen Average: Approx. 168 thousand yen per case
(2)Number of requests for mediation: 1 Total amount: Approx. 64 thousand yen
(3)Number of cases of mediation: 1 Total amount: Approx. 96 thousand yen
City Bulletin No. 27Report on the decision on the amount of damages for car accidents, etc.Determination of the amount of damages belonging to the obligations of the city of Uemoto
Environmental Planning Bureau, 21 Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau, 1 Housing and Architecture Bureau, 3 Road and Highway Bureau, 5 Fire Bureau and 1 Tsuzuki Ward  
Total: 32 Total: Approx. 12,163 thousand yen Average: Approx. 380 thousand yen per case
City bulletin 28th (PDF: 225KB)Report on a decree on the conclusion of a change agreement(1)Change of contract amount: 13 cases
(2)Change of contract amount and completion date: 3
(3)Change of completion date: 2 cases
City Bulletin No. 29Report on the Supreme Court of Appeal

Filing an action relating to the collection of receivables with a value of 5,000,000 yen or less
(Summary of the action) Request payment of special fixed amount benefits, etc., in which payments have been duplicated due to receipt by other household members
(Other party) Citizens (40s)
(The value of the lawsuit) 1,000,000 yen
(Date of voting) December 22, 3rd

City bulletin 30th (PDF: 206KB)Report on the voting disposition regarding the partial revision of the ordinance on the protection of personal information in Yokohama CityDevelopment of related regulations in line with the enactment of laws related to the development of related laws to the formation of a digital society
(Contents) Amendment of "Article 2, Paragraph 3 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information Held by Administrative Organs" to "Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information".
(Date of voting) December 15, 3rd
Establishment of ordinancesCity 123rd bill (PDF: 226KB)Enactment of the ordinance of the inhabitant of a ward culture center basic design Exploratory Committee in Kanazawa-ku, YokohamaEstablishment of affiliated institutions
(Contents) Name: Inhabitant of a ward culture center basic design Exploratory Committee in Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-shi
Administration: Matters related to the examination of the basic concept of the Citizens' Cultural Center in Kanazawa Ward
Organization: No more than 15 members
(Effective Date) Day of promulgation
Partial revision of the ordinanceCity 124th bill (PDF: 222KB)Partial revision of the ordinance on vacation for general staff in Yokohama City(Contents) Establish a new birth support leave as a special leave
(Effective Date) April 1, 2004
City 125th bill (PDF: 237KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City Citizens' Cultural Center Ordinance

(Contents) Determine the name and location of the Kohoku Residents' Cultural Center (scheduled to open in 5th year), facilities, and usage fees, and establish a designated manager selection evaluation committee.
(Effective Date) Dates specified in the Rules


City 126th bill (PDF: 229KB)

Partial revision of the Yokohama City Nursery School Ordinance

Abolition of daycare centers due to private transfer (3 facilities)
(1) Mukodai Nursery School (Hodogaya Ward) (2) Maioka Nursery School (Totsuka Ward) (3) Kamigo Nursery School (Sakae Ward)
(Effective Date) April 1, 2005

City 127th bill (PDF: 226KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City Community Care Plaza Ordinance

Establishment of community care plazas
(Contents) Hodogaya Community Care Plaza (Hodogaya Ward: scheduled to open in 5th year)
(Effective Date) Dates specified in the Rules

City 128th bill (PDF: 302KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama Port Facilities Ordinance(Contents) (1)Strengthening measures against infectious diseases at waterfronts (2) Strengthening the international competitiveness of automobile terminals (3) Further utilization of private energies in harbor green spaces, etc. (4) Optimizing beneficiary burdens, etc.
(Effective Date) April 1, 4th, etc.
City 129th bill (PDF: 229KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City School Ordinance

(Contents) (1)Asahi Kita Junior High School and Kamishirane Junior High School will be integrated, and the school name will be Kamishirane Kita Junior High School. (2) Kami Sugeta Special Needs School Kita Tsunashima Branch School will be Kita Tsunashima Special Needs School
(Effective Date) (1)April 1, 5 (2) April 1, 4

Abolition of OrdinancesCity 130th bill (PDF: 158KB)Abolition of the Yokohama City Welfare Center OrdinanceAbolition of welfare centers due to privatization (2 facilities)
(Contents) (1)Minami Welfare Center (2) Tozuka Welfare Center
(Effective Date) April 1, 2004
Confirmation of landfills, etc.City 131st bill (PDF: 289KB)Confirmation of public water reclaimed land at 16th grade in Minamihonmaki 3, Naka-kuConfirmation of newly created land in the area of Motoichi
(Confirmed area) No. 16, No. 7, No. 1, No. 7, No. 2 and No. 8, No. 8, No. 16, No. 7, No. 2, No. 8, No. 1 public water reclaimed land
(land area) 235,759.24㎡
(Related bill) City 132nd bill
City 132nd bill (PDF: 284KB)Change of town area in Naka WardChanges in town areas due to the transfer of landfills
(town name) Minamihonmoku, Naka-ku
(Related bill) City No. 131 bill
Abolition of road certificationCity 133rd bill (PDF: 603KB)Authorization and abolition of city road lines such as Oguchi Route 741

(Certified) 9 routes, including Oguchi Route 741
(Abolished) 28 routes, including Oguchi Route 331
Total 37 routes

Acquisition of propertyCity 134th bill (PDF: 375KB)Acquisition of a building for Hodogaya Community Care Plaza (tentative name)Purchase a building to be allocated to Hodogaya Community Care Plaza (tentative name)
(Location) Iwaicho, Hodogaya-ku
(structure) Reinforced concrete structure 1 basement floor 7 floors above ground Part: 481.53㎡
(Other party) Yokohama City Housing Supply Corporation
(Amount) 370,150 thousand yen (unit price: approx. 769 thousand yen)
Disposal of PropertyCity 135th bill (PDF: 316KB)Disposal of municipal land located in Honmokufuto, Naka-kuDisposal (sale) of municipal land located in Honmokufuto, Naka-ku
(Location) Parts of 360 of Honmoku Futo No. 1, Naka-ku and 363 of No. 1
(ground) Residential land
(land area) 58,732.46㎡
(Other party) (Kanto Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
(Amount) Approx. 8,340,009 thousand yen (unit price: 142 thousand yen)
OthersCity 136th bill (PDF: 227KB)Authorization to change the upper limit of fees collected by public university corporation Yokohama City UniversityPartial change of approval of the mayor with setting of fee for use of new room
(Contents) (1)Upper limit for new private room usage fees at City University Hospital: 14,300 yen
(2)Maximum usage fee for two-person rooms at City University Citizens' Medical Center: 8,800 yen
(A basis for voting) Article 23, Paragraph 2 of the Local Incorporated Administrative Agency Act
Change of contractCity 137th bill (PDF: 230KB)Change in Yokohama Culture Gymnasium Redevelopment ContractChange in contract amount
(Contract amount) 31,263,489,533 yen → 32,039,936,297 yen (up about 2.48%)
(Reason for change) Increase in consideration of design and construction work due to price fluctuations and decrease in consideration of maintenance and operation work
(Based on voting) Article 12 of the Act on Promotion of Maintenance of Public Facilities, etc. by Utilizing Private Funds, etc. Article 12
Supplementary budgetCity 138th bill (PDF: 509KB)2021 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 9)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount: 86,955,909 thousand yen
Other debt obligations amendments, municipal bond amendments, carry-over allowance amendments
City 139th bill (PDF: 341KB)FY2021 Yokohama City National Health Insurance Operating Expenses Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount: 4,865,731 thousand yen
City 140th bill (PDF: 348KB)FY2021 The Long-term Care Insurance Project Cost Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount: 7,117,156 thousand yen
City 141st bill (PDF: 339KB) 2021 Yokohama City Elderly Medical Care Business Expenses Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount (1,074,101 thousand yen)
City 142nd bill (PDF: 378KB)FY2021 Yokohama Port Maintenance Project Cost Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount (¥ 2,628,119 thousand)
Other municipal bond amendments, carry-over allowance amendments
City 143rd bill (PDF: 341KB)FY2021 Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market Expense Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Adjusted amount (¥ 2,010 thousand)

City 144th bill (PDF: 340KB)

FY2021 Yokohama City Central and Slaughterhouse Cost Accounting Revised Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Adjusted amount (1,238 thousand yen)
City 145th bill (PDF: 334KB)2021 Yokohama City Workers' Welfare Mutual Aid Operating Expenses Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Adjusted amount (¥77 thousand)
City 146th bill (PDF: 334KB)FY2021 Yokohama City Pollution Victim Relief Operating Expenses Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Adjusted amount (¥25 thousand)
City 147th bill (PDF: 379KB)FY2021 Yokohama City Urban Development Project Cost Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount: 1,763,752 thousand yen
Other municipal bond amendments, carry-over allowance amendments
City 148th bill (PDF: 320KB)FY2021 Midori conservation Creation Project Cost Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revision of carry-forward expensesPassed
City 149th bill (PDF: 382KB)2021 Yokohama City Public Works Land Cost Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount: 1,171,819 thousand yen
Other municipal bond amendments
City 150th bill (PDF: 335KB)2021 Yokohama City Municipal Bond Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Adjusted amount (354,207 thousand yen)
City 151st bill (PDF: 252KB)2021 Yokohama City Sewerage Business Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Profitable income (¥7,365 thousand)
Profitable expenditures (¥26,790 thousand)
Capital expenditures (9,526 thousand yen)
City 152nd bill (PDF: 244KB)FY2021 Yokohama Landfill Business Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Profitable expenditures (¥302 thousand)
Capital expenditures (¥225 thousand)
Proposal No. 3 (PDF: 244KB)FY2021 Yokohama City Automobile Business Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Profitable expenditures 10,828 thousand yen
Proposal No. 4 (PDF: 250KB)FY2021 Yokohama High Speed Rail Business Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Profitable expenditures (¥78,547 thousand)
Capital income 416,848 thousand yen
Capital expenditures 418,044 thousand yen
Other municipal bond amendments

Proposals for the New Year

Proposals for the New Year 
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContents (in parentheses are compared with the initial budget for FY2021)Results
Budget billCity 100th bill (PDF: 470KB)FY2022 Yokohama City General Account Budget¥1,974,874 million (down ¥32,387 million (1.6%))Passed
City 101st bill (PDF: 260KB)FY2022 Yokohama City National Health Insurance Operating Expenses Accounting Budget¥320,134 million (up ¥2,622 million (0.8%))Passed
City 102nd bill (PDF: 269KB)Fiscal 2022 The Long-term Care Insurance Project Cost Accounting Budget¥318,476 million (up ¥3,770 million (1.2%))Passed
City 103rd bill (PDF: 259KB)FY2022 Yokohama City Elderly Medical Care Business Expenses Accounting Budget¥90,003 million (up ¥5,549 million (6.6%))Passed
City 104th bill (PDF: 312KB)FY2022 Yokohama Port Maintenance Project Cost Accounting Budget¥39,889 million (down ¥5,814 million (12.7%))Passed
City 105th bill (PDF: 311KB)FY2022 Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market Expense Accounting Budget¥4,526 million (up ¥1,304 million (40.5%))Passed
City 106th bill (PDF: 302KB)FY2022 Central Yokohama City and Slaughterhouse Expenses Accounting Budget¥3,526 million (down ¥21 million (0.6%))Passed
City 107th bill (PDF: 259KB)2022 Yokohama City Mother and Child Widows Welfare Fund Accounting Budget¥908 million (down ¥222 million (19.6%))Passed
City 108th bill (PDF: 259KB)FY2022 Yokohama Worker Welfare Mutual Aid Project Cost Accounting Budget¥514 million (up ¥31 million (6.4%))Passed
City 109th bill (PDF: 258KB)FY2022 Yokohama City Pollution Victim Relief Project Cost Accounting Budget¥35 million (down ¥3 million (8.0%))Passed
City 110th bill (PDF: 321KB)FY2022 Yokohama City Urban Development Project Cost Accounting Budget¥12,206 million (up ¥15 million (0.1%))Passed
City 111th bill (PDF: 258KB)FY2022 Yokohama City Car Parking Business Expense Accounting Budget¥475 million (down ¥23 million (4.6%))Passed
City 112th bill (PDF: 303KB)FY2022 Yokohama City New Graveyard Operating Expenses Accounting Budget¥2,149 million (up ¥504 million (30.7%))Passed
City 113th bill (PDF: 258KB)FY2022 Yokohama Wind Power Generation Project Cost Accounting Budget¥96 million (down ¥10 million (9.2%))Passed
City 114th bill (PDF: 312KB)Fiscal 2022 Midori conservation Creation Project Cost Accounting Budget¥12,610 million (up ¥176 million (1.4%))Passed
City 115th bill (PDF: 303KB)FY2022 Yokohama City Public Works Land Cost Accounting Budget¥5,107 million (down ¥47,342 million (90.3%))Passed
City 116th bill (PDF: 258KB)FY2022 Yokohama Municipal Bond Accounting Budget¥437,739 million (down ¥13,456 million (3.0%))Passed
City 117th bill (PDF: 303KB)FY2022 Yokohama City Sewerage Business Accounting Budget¥245,035 million (down ¥8,386 million (3.3%))Passed
City 118th bill (PDF: 284KB)FY2022 Yokohama Landfill Business Accounting Budget¥39,225 million (down ¥6,449 million (14.1%))Passed
Water third bill (PDF: 336KB)FY2022 Yokohama City Water Supply Business Accounting Budget¥129,194 million (down ¥600 million (0.5%))Passed
Water No. 4 bill (PDF: 294KB)FY2022 Yokohama Industrial Water Supply Business Accounting Budget¥5,120 million (down ¥124 million (2.4%))Passed
Proposal No. 1 (PDF: 293KB)FY2022 Yokohama City Automobile Business Accounting Budget¥22,755 million (down ¥755 million (3.2%))Passed

Proposal No. 2 (PDF: 303KB)

FY2022 Yokohama High Speed Rail Business Accounting Budget¥93,497 million (up ¥4,349 million (4.9%))Passed
Disease No. 3 Proposal (PDF: 337KB)FY2022 Yokohama City Hospital Business Accounting Budget¥49,345 million (up ¥2,727 million (5.8%))Passed

Proposals for the New Year (Budget-related Proposals)

Proposals for the New Year (Budget-related Proposals)
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Partial revision of the ordinanceCity 119th bill (PDF: 144KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City Administrative Division OrdinanceRevisions to integrate public relations, news, and promotion
(Contents) Transfer public relations affairs to Policy Bureau
(Effective Date) April 1, 2004
City 120th bill (PDF: 149KB)Partial revision of Yokohama-shi staff fixed number regulationsChanges in the number of staff due to response to new work and review of existing work
(Contents) Total number of staff: 45,527 people → 45,742 (215)
(Effective Date) April 1, 2004
City 121st bill (PDF: 170KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City National Health Insurance OrdinanceRevisions accompanying the partial revision of the National Health Insurance Law Enforcement Order
(Contents) (1)Add provisions that do not deduct the provisions related to the preschool child reduction system (reduction measures) when calculating the total premium levy.
(2)In order to unify the insurance premium reduction system, the reduction and exemption measures for the premium income percent for children's households are stipulated as mitigation measures.
(Effective Date) April 1, 2004
Conclusion of contractCity 122nd bill (PDF: 148KB)Conclusion of comprehensive external audit contractConclusion of contracts for the purpose of reporting the results of audits and audits
(Contract period) April 1, 4-March 31, 5
(Amount) Amount up to 17,505,000 yen (approximate payment)
(Other party) Takumi Takahara (Certified Public Accountant and Tax Accountant)
(Based on voting) Article 252-36, Paragraph 1 of the Local Government Act

Member of the Diet (submitted on February 18)

Member of the Diet (submitted on February 18)
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Partial revision of the ordinanceGidai twelfth bill (PDF: 173KB)Partial revision of the ordinance concerning the promotion of self support and community support in the event of a Yokohama city disasterWe propose a part of the ordinance concerning the promotion of self support and community support in the event of a Yokohama city disaster in order to enhance disaster countermeasures carried out by citizens and businesses and to improve related regulations in line with the partial revision of the Basic Law on Disaster Countermeasures.Passed
Gidai 14 bill (PDF: 266KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City Council Committee OrdinanceI would like to propose a revision of the ordinance of the Yokohama City Council Committee in order to establish rules concerning committees that utilize online methods and to improve relevant regulations.Passed
Partial revision of the rulesGidai 13th bill (PDF: 126KB)Partial revision of the rules of the Yokohama City Council meetingIn accordance with the introduction of special cases for attendance at the Committee using online methods, we propose that some of the rules of the Yokohama City Council Meeting be revised in order to establish rules for non-members to participate in the Committee online.Passed
ResolutionGidai 15th bill (PDF: 146KB)Resolution on the early realization of "Special Self-Government City"Now that discussions on major city system reform are flourishing in various areas surrounding the city, Yokohama City Council strongly urges the government to accelerate efforts for the early realization of special autonomous cities, such as promptly starting discussions on institutionalization of special autonomous cities.Passed

Mayor presentation bill (submitted on March 23)

Mayor presentation bill (submitted on March 23)
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Partial revision of the ordinanceCity 153rd bill (PDF: 103KB)Partial revision of the regulations to revise a part of the regulations about facilities of Yokohama-shi child welfare institution and standard of administrationWith the partial revision of the ministerial ordinance that partially revises the standards for personnel, facilities and operation of designated tsusho support projects based on the Child Welfare Law, the number of employees and facilities of designated welfare-type disabled children entrance facilities We propose as we want to revise a part of the regulations to revise a part of the regulations about facilities of Yokohama-shi child welfare institution and standard of operation to extend period to apply exception.Passed

City 154th bill (PDF: 107KB)

Partial revision of the regulations to revise a part of the regulations about standards such as the staff, facilities, administration such as business of Yokohama-shi designation obstacle welfare serviceAlong with the partial revision of the ministerial ordinance that partially revises the standards for personnel, facilities and operation of designated disability welfare services based on the law to comprehensively support the daily and social life of persons with disabilities, designated In order to extend the period for applying the special provisions on the number of employees such as support facilities and equipment, some of the ordinances on standards such as personnel, facilities, operation, etc. of business of Yokohama-shi designated disability welfare service As we revise a part of the regulations to revise a part of the regulations to revise a part of the regulations to revise.Passed
Personnel ProposalsCity 155th billAppointment of Deputy Mayor of Yokohama City

Mr. Takumi Hayashi, Deputy Mayor of Motoichi, requested Retirement, and the term of Deputy Mayor Kazumi Kobayashi expires on March 31, this year. Propose according to.
(Deputy mayor newly appointed)

  • Hidehiro Ijichi
  • Tomoko Okubo
Advisory City No. 2Recommendation of Candidates for Human Rights Committee MemberAs the term of office of the Human Rights Committee member Terukazu Aramaki and 30 others of Motoichi expires on June 30, this year, we propose to recommend candidates according to the provisions of Article 6, Paragraph 3 of the Human Rights Committee Act to recommend candidates.

(Newly recommended Commissioner for Human Rights)

  • Midori Akiyama and 30 others
Report that there is no objection

Member of the Diet (submitted on March 23)

Member of the Diet (submitted on March 23)
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Partial revision of the ordinanceGidai 16th bill (PDF: 163KB)Partial revision of the ordinance on the number of members of Yokohama City Council and the number of members of each constituencyBased on the results of the 2020 National Census, we propose to revise a part of the ordinance on the number of Yokohama City Council members and the number of members elected in each constituency in order to change the number of members elected in Kanagawa Ward and Izumi Ward.Passed
ResolutionGidai 17 bill (PDF: 131KB)A resolution calling for Russia's aggression against Ukraine and to eradicate the use of force in international disputes.In order to condemn Russia's aggression against Ukraine and to resolve calls for the eradication of the use of force in international disputes, submit the following:Passed

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