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List of Proposals (1st Regular Meeting in 2020)

Last Updated December 21, 2023

[Table of Contents]
[Table of Contents]
Submitted on February 13Submitted on February 21Submitted on February 26Submitted on March 24

Mayor presentation bill:
 Proposals for the current fiscal year
 Report of the Supreme Disposition (Article 180 of the Local Government Act)
 Formulation of the Plan
 Establishment of ordinances
 Partial revision of the ordinance
 Confirmation of landfills, etc.
 Abolition of road certification
 Acquisition of property
 Determination of damages
 Conclusion of contract
 Change of contract
 Supplementary budget
 Proposals for the New Year
 Budget bill
 (Budget-related bills)
 Partial revision of the ordinance
 Conclusion of contract 

Member of the Diet:
 Partial revision of the rules
 Partial revision of the ordinance
Mayor presentation bill:
 Personnel Proposals


Member of the Diet:
 Submission of Statement of Opinion
Mayor presentation bill:
 Personnel Proposals

"Results" are the results of the decision. It will be posted after voting.

Mayor presentation bill (submitted on February 13)
Proposals for the current fiscal year

Mayor presentation bill (submitted on February 13) Bill for the current fiscal year
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Report on a voting disposition based on Article 180 of the Local Government ActCity Bulletin No. 18The filing of an action relating to a request for Municipal Housing surrender, etc., the settlement relating to a prompt settlement of a request for payment of royalties for Municipal Housing, etc., and the mediation relating to a request for mediation relating to a request for payment of royalties for Municipal Housing.Filing, settlement and civil settlement of Municipal Housing, etc.
(1)Number of cases filed: 1 Total amount: Approx. 1,983 thousand yen
(2)Number of settlements: 11 Total: 1,786 thousand yen Average: Approx. 162 thousand yen per case
(3)Number of cases of mediation: 2 Total: Approx. 408 thousand yen Average: Approx. 204 thousand yen per case


City Bulletin No. 19Report on the decision on the amount of damages for car accidents, etc.Determination of the amount of damages belonging to the obligations of the city of Uemoto
General Affairs Bureau, Civic Affairs Bureau, Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau 18, Road and Highway Bureau 2, Fire Bureau 6, etc. Board of Education Secretariat, Asahi Ward, Kanazawa Ward, Tsuzuki Ward  , Totsuka Ward, and Sakae Ward.
Total: 35 Total: Approx. 9,164 thousand yen Average: Approx. 262 thousand yen per case
City bulletin No. 20 (PDF: 192KB)Report on a decree on the conclusion of a change agreementChange in contract amount (2)


Formulation of the PlanCity 134th bill (PDF: 615KB)Development of the 2nd Yokohama City Child and Child Care Support Project PlanBased on the provisions of Article 61, Paragraph 1 of the Child and Child Care Support Act and Article 8, Paragraph 1 of the Next Generation Raising Support Measures Promotion Act, basic measures to promote measures for children and youth in Motoichi Development of a plan that determines the direction
(What we should aim for) A town where each child and adolescent who create the future can demonstrate their own goodness and potential, cultivate a rich and happy way of life, and create a warm society together. "Yokohama"
(Contents) (1)Create an environment where children and adolescents can nurture various powers and grow up healthy (2) Create an environment where everyone can give birth and raise children with peace of mind (3) Create an environment for raising children and adolescents throughout society, etc.
(Planning period) From FY2020 to FY2024 (5 years)
Establishment of ordinancesCity 135th bill (PDF: 360KB)Establishment of committee regulations such as selection of Yokohama-shi specific complex tourist facility setting management companyEstablishment of affiliated institutions
(Contents) Name: Yokohama-shi specific complex tourist facility setting management company selection committee
Administration: (1)Of the implementation policies pertaining to the development of specific complex tourist facility areas, matters related to the recruitment and selection of private businesses that intend to conduct installation and operation projects, etc. (2) joint development of area maintenance plans and certification of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Matters related to the selection of private businesses to apply for
(Effective Date) Day of promulgation
Partial revision of the ordinanceCity 136th bill (PDF: 364KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City Affiliated Organization Ordinance(Contents) (1)The Welfare Service Third-Party Evaluation Promotion Committee will be abolished because the Welfare Service Third-Party Evaluation System will be implemented integrally in the prefecture area (2) Revision of the quotation clause accompanying the partial revision of the Medical Law
(Effective Date) Date of promulgation, etc.
City 137th bill (PDF: 459KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City Fee OrdinanceDevelopment of related regulations accompanying partial revision of ministerial ordinances that stipulate building energy consumption performance standards, etc.
(Contents) (1)In the application for certification of the building energy consumption performance improvement plan, etc., add a fee for evaluating only the newly specified dwelling unit part (2) Add a fee for evaluating in a simple method, etc.
(Effective Date) Date of promulgation, etc.
City 138th bill (PDF: 356KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City private seal Ordinance

Revision accompanying the enforcement of the Act on the Development of Related Laws to Optimize Measures to Restrict the Rights of Adult Guardians, etc.
(Contents) Change "adult ward" to "non-willingness"
(Effective Date) Day of promulgation

City 139th bill (PDF: 365KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City Citizens' Cultural Center Ordinance(Contents) Determine the name and location of the Seya Kumin Cultural Center (scheduled to open in March 2022), facilities, and usage fees, and establish a designated manager selection evaluation committee.
(Effective Date) Dates specified in the Rules
City 140th bill (PDF: 375KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City Nursery School OrdinanceAbolition of nursery schools due to private transfer and privatization of public private nursery schools (6 facilities), etc.
(Contents) (1)Private transfer: Takigashira Nursery School (Isogo Ward), Edakita Nursery School (Aoba Ward), Chigasaki Nursery School (Tsuzuki Ward  ), Matano Nursery School (Totsuka Ward) (2) Private private nursery schools: Kanagawa Nursery School (Kanagawa Ward), Kanazawa Hakkei Nursery School (Kanazawa Ward)
(Effective Date) April 1, 2021
City 141st bill (PDF: 357KB)Partial revision of the regulations about facilities of Yokohama-shi child welfare institution and standard of operation

Revision accompanying partial revision of standards for facilities and operation of child welfare facilities
(Contents) Regarding fire-resistant standards for nursery rooms, etc., add provisions to make fire-resistant buildings as before
(Effective Date) Day of promulgation

City 142nd bill (PDF: 363KB)Partial revision of the ordinance on the organization, staff, facilities and operation standards of classes of Yokohama City Yoho Cooperation Type Certified Children's Center

Revision due to partial revision of standards for class composition, staff, facilities, and operation of nursery school cooperation type certified child institution
(Contents) (1)Regarding fire-resistant standards for nursery rooms, etc., add provisions to make fire-resistant buildings as before (2) Extend the special period pertaining to the inclusion of the number of staffing of deputy directors and principals from 5 years to 10 years
(Effective Date) Date of promulgation, etc.

City 143rd bill (PDF: 366KB)Partial revision of the regulations about standard such as facilities, administration such as Yokohama-shi home-based childcare business

Maintenance of related regulations accompanying partial revision of standards for facilities and operation of home-based childcare business
(Contents) Add facilities related to company-led childcare business to partners for acceptance after graduation in home-based childcare business, etc.
(Effective Date) Day of promulgation

City 144th bill (PDF: 395KB)Partial revision of the regulations about standard of operation of Yokohama-shi specific education, childcare facility and specific area-type childcare businessDevelopment of related regulations accompanying partial revision of standards for the operation of specific education and childcare facilities and specific regional childcare businesses
(Contents) Add facilities related to company-led childcare business to partners for acceptance after graduation in specific regional childcare business.
(Effective Date) Day of promulgation
City 145th bill (PDF: 356KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City Welfare Center OrdinanceAbolition of welfare centers due to privatization (2 facilities)
(Contents) (1)Naka Welfare Center (2) Kohoku Welfare Center
(Effective Date) April 1, 2020
City 146th bill (PDF: 360KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City Intellectual Disability Life Care Facility Ordinance(Contents) With the redevelopment of Matsukaze Gakuen, we will abolish the welfare home for persons with intellectual disabilities and short-term accommodation training facilities for persons with intellectual disabilities installed at the school.
(Effective Date) April 1, 2020
City 147th bill (PDF: 361KB)Partial revision of the ordinance on the protection and management of animals in Yokohama City

Development of related regulations in line with the partial revision of the Act on the Protection and Management of Animals
(Contents) Revision of quotation clause
(Effective Date) June 1, 2020

City 148th bill (PDF: 357KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City Sports Medical Science Center Ordinance(Contents) When it is recognized that the purpose of setting up the center can be achieved most effectively, add a provision that the current designated manager can be designated as a designated manager.
(Effective Date) Day of promulgation
City 149th bill (PDF: 366KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City Building Standards OrdinanceDevelopment of related regulations accompanying the partial revision of the Building Standards Law Enforcement Order
(Contents) Revision of quotation clause
(Effective Date) April 1, 2020
City 150th bill (PDF: 365KB)Yokohama International Port Construction Project Partial revision of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the First District Land Readjustment Project along the Futatsu Bridge Northern Mitsukyo Shimokusayanagi Line, etc., and the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Land Readjustment Project around Yokohama International Port Construction Project Shin-Tsunashima Station AreaDevelopment of related regulations accompanying the partial revision of the Land Readjustment Law Enforcement Order
(Contents) Change "6% per year" to "legal interest rate" for the maximum interest rate when clearing money is collected in installments.
(Effective Date) April 1, 2020
Confirmation of landfills, etc.City 151st bill (PDF: 1,147KB)Confirmation of the first-class public water reclaimed land at Minamihonmaki No. 4, Naka-kuConfirmation of newly created land in the area of Motoichi
(Confirmed area) No. 1 and No. 4, Minamihonmaki No. 4, Naka-ku Public water reclaimed land
(land area) 70,500.11㎡
(Related bill) City No. 152 bill
City 152nd bill (PDF: 2,699KB)Change of town area in Naka WardChanges in town areas due to the transfer of landfills
(town name) Minamihonmoku, Naka-ku
(Related bill) City No. 151 bill
Abolition of road certification City 153rd bill (PDF: 594KB)Authorization and abolition of city road lines such as Hazawa Route 334

(Certified) 10 routes including Hazawa Route 334
(Abolished) 12 routes including Sugeta Route 72
Total 22 routes

Acquisition of propertyCity 154th bill (PDF: 378KB)Acquisition of land located in Kamariya-cho, Kanazawa-ku

Purchase land to preserve the green space (part of the special conservation area in the suburbs of Daimaruyama).
(Location) No. 4 of Sekigaya Oku 2,233, Kamariya-cho, Kanazawa-ku Others
(ground) Forests and hybrid land (land area) 31,239.85㎡
(Other party) Keikyu Corporation
(Amount) Approx. 256,167 thousand yen (unit price: approx. 8 thousand yen)

City 155th bill (PDF: 288KB)Acquisition of helicopter repair partsAcquisition of repair parts for fire helicopters damaged by typhoon No. 15
(Contents) Landing equipment and other parts for repair
(Amount) Approx. 277,355 thousand yen
Determination of damagesCity 156th bill (PDF: 360KB)Determination of damages for insurance benefits related to injury accidents at Yokohama Municipal Elementary SchoolsDetermination of the amount of damages belonging to the obligations of Motoichi
(damage) 3,028,321 yen (victim) Public school mutual aid association
(Overview of the accident) On December 1, 2015, at the time of evacuation drill in Municipal Elementary Schools, Yokohama, Isogo Ward, the victim provided insurance benefits due to an accident in which fireelementary school studentelementary school student was injured.
Conclusion of contractCity 157th bill (PDF: 357KB)Conclusion of contract for construction of city planning road Kamigo Koda Line (Koda area) roadTunnel construction work
(Construction site) 8 to 479-12, 675, Kotacho, Sakae-ku
(Contract amount) 7,585,600,000 yen (completion deadline) March 29, 2024
(Contract partner) Maeda, Dai Nippon Construction Co., Ltd. and Miyauchi Construction Consortium
Change of contractCity 158th bill (PDF: 370KB)Change of Kamigo-Mori House Renovation Management Business ContractChange in contract amount
(Contract amount) 2,003,310,045 yen → ¥1,964,697,953 (down about 1.93%)
(Reason for change) Due to the delivery of Kamigo / Mori no house, the installment interest rate for design and construction is determined, and a part of the contract amount will be changed.
(Based on voting) Article 12 of the Act on Promotion of Maintenance of Public Facilities, etc. by Utilizing Private Funds, etc. Article 12
Supplementary budgetCity 159th bill (PDF: 448KB)2019 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 4)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount: 15,344,019 thousand yen
Other debt obligations amendments, municipal bond amendments, carry-over allowance amendments
City 160th bill (PDF: 308KB)FY2019 Yokohama City National Health Insurance Operating Expenses Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount: 34,177 thousand yen
City 161st bill (PDF: 312KB)FY2019 The Long-term Care Insurance Business Expense Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount: 1,126,076 thousand yen
City 162nd bill (PDF: 311KB)2019 Yokohama-shi latter-stage elderly medical care business expense account revised budget (the first)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount: 1,584,351 thousand yen


City 163rd bill (PDF: 349KB)FY2019 Yokohama Port Maintenance Project Cost Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount (3,816,640 thousand yen)
Other municipal bond amendments, carry-over allowance amendments
City 164th bill (PDF: 308KB)FY2019 Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market Expense Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount: 5,271 thousand yen
City 165th bill (PDF: 308KB)FY2019 Yokohama City Central and Slaughterhouse Expenses Accounting Revised Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount: 2,797 thousand yen
City 166th bill (PDF: 308KB)2019 Yokohama-shi worker welfare mutual aid business expense account revised budget (the first)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount: 228 thousand yen
City 167th bill (PDF: 308KB)FY2019 Yokohama City Pollution Victim Relief Operating Expenses Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Revised amount: 111 thousand yen
City 168th bill (PDF: 350KB)FY2019 Yokohama City Urban Development Project Cost Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount: 5,207,005 thousand yen
Other municipal bond amendments, carry-over allowance amendments
City 169th bill (PDF: 342KB)2019 Yokohama City New Graveyard Operating Expenses Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Adjusted amount (330,000 thousand yen)
Other municipal bond amendments
City 170th bill (PDF: 302KB)FY2019 Midori conservation Creation Project Cost Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revision of carry-forward expensesPassed
City 171st bill (PDF: 309KB)2019 Yokohama-shi public works land cost accounting supplementary budget (the first)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Adjusted amount: 354 thousand yen
City 172nd bill (PDF: 308KB)2019 Yokohama-shi municipal bond gold accounting supplementary budget (the first)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Adjusted amount (¥32,695 thousand)
City 173rd bill (PDF: 236KB)2019 Yokohama-shi sewer business accounts revised budget (the first)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Profitable income 22,833 thousand yen
Profitable expenditures 76,564 thousand yen
Capital expenditures 28,229 thousand yen
City 174th bill (PDF: 232KB)FY2019 Yokohama City Landfill Business Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Profitable expenditures 2,225 thousand yen
Capital expenditures 1,405 thousand yen
Proposal No. 4 (PDF: 237KB)FY2019 Yokohama High Speed Rail Business Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Capital income 131,223 thousand yen
Capital expenditures 131,575 thousand yen
Other municipal bond amendments

Proposals for the New Year

Proposals for the New Year 
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContents (in parentheses are compared with the initial budget for FY2019)Results
Budget billCity 113th bill (PDF: 482KB)FY2020 Yokohama City General Account Budget¥1,740,016 million (down ¥21,490 million (1.2%))Passed
City 114th bill (PDF: 260KB)FY2020 Yokohama City National Health Insurance Operating Expenses Accounting Budget¥316,367 million (down ¥15,674 million (4.7%))Passed
City 115th bill (PDF: 267KB)Fiscal 2020 The Long-term Care Insurance Project Cost Accounting Budget¥293,554 million (up ¥4,699 million (1.6%))Passed
City 116th bill (PDF: 259KB)FY2020 Yokohama City Elderly Medical Care Business Expenses Accounting Budget¥82,424 million (up ¥5,252 million (6.8%))Passed
City 117th bill (PDF: 311KB)FY2020 Yokohama Port Maintenance Project Cost Accounting Budget¥37,460 million (up ¥11,937 million (46.8%))Passed
City 118th bill (PDF: 307KB)FY2020 Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market Expense Accounting Budget¥3,098 million (down ¥657 million (17.5%))Passed
City 119th bill (PDF: 300KB)FY2020 Yokohama City Central and Slaughterhouse Expenses Accounting Budget¥5,101 million (up ¥1,162 million (29.5%))Passed
City 120th bill (PDF: 255KB)2020 Yokohama City Mother and Child Widows Welfare Fund Accounting Budget¥1,017 million (up ¥377 million (58.9%))Passed
City 121st bill (PDF: 256KB)FY2020 Yokohama City Workers' Welfare Mutual Aid Project Cost Accounting Budget¥451 million (up ¥15 million (3.5%))Passed
City 122nd bill (PDF: 253KB)FY2020 Yokohama City Pollution Victim Relief Project Cost Accounting Budget¥38 million (up ¥0 million (0.1%))Passed
City 123rd bill (PDF: 300KB)FY2020 Yokohama City Urban Development Project Cost Accounting Budget¥9,456 million (down ¥2,528 million (21.1%))Passed
City 124th bill (PDF: 254KB)FY2020 Yokohama City Car Parking Business Expense Accounting Budget¥487 million (down ¥430 million (46.9%))Passed
City 125th bill (PDF: 315KB)FY2020 Yokohama City New Graveyard Operating Expenses Accounting Budget¥1,692 million (down ¥67 million (3.8%))Passed
City 126th bill (PDF: 253KB)FY2020 Yokohama Wind Power Generation Project Cost Accounting Budget¥87 million (down ¥3 million (3.0%))Passed
City 127th bill (PDF: 312KB)Fiscal 2020 Midori conservation Creation Project Cost Accounting Budget¥12,683 million (up ¥118 million (0.9%))Passed
City 128th bill (PDF: 308KB)FY2020 Yokohama City Public Works Land Cost Accounting Budget¥11,868 million (down ¥7,081 million (37.4%))Passed
City 129th bill (PDF: 250KB)Fiscal 2020 Yokohama City Municipal Bond Accounting Budget¥493,904 million (down ¥55,598 million (10.1%))Passed
City 130th bill (PDF: 291KB)FY2020 Yokohama City Sewerage Business Accounting Budget¥252,404 million (down ¥6,973 million (2.7%))Passed
City 131st bill (PDF: 282KB)FY2020 Yokohama Landfill Business Accounting Budget¥37,450 million (up ¥1,565 million (4.4%))Passed
Water sixth bill (PDF: 324KB)FY2020 Yokohama City Water Supply Business Accounting Budget¥126,603 million (up ¥7,621 million (6.4%))Passed
Water No. 7 bill (PDF: 285KB)FY2020 Yokohama Industrial Water Supply Business Accounting Budget¥5,054 million (up ¥14 million (0.3%))Passed
Proposal No. 2 (PDF: 289KB)FY2020 Yokohama City Automobile Business Accounting Budget¥25,329 million (down ¥497 million (1.9%))Passed

Proposal No. 3 (PDF: 292KB)

FY2020 Yokohama High Speed Rail Business Accounting Budget¥95,166 million (down ¥2,854 million (2.9%))Passed
Disease No. 2 bill (PDF: 375KB)FY2020 Yokohama City Hospital Business Accounting Budget¥54,319 million (down ¥17,711 million (24.6%))Passed
(Budget-related bills)
Partial revision of the ordinanceCity 132nd bill (PDF: 114KB)Partial revision of Yokohama-shi staff fixed number regulationsChanges in the number of staff due to response to new work and review of existing work
(Contents) Total number of staff: 44,958 people → 45,288 (330)
(Effective Date) April 1, 2020
Conclusion of contractCity 133rd bill (PDF: 117KB)Conclusion of comprehensive external audit contractConclusion of contracts for the purpose of reporting the results of audits and audits
(Contract period) April 1, 2000-March 31, 2000
(Amount) Amount up to 17,505,000 yen (approximate payment)
(Other party) Takashi Tanemura (Certified Public Accountant)
(Based on voting) Article 252-36, Paragraph 1 of the Local Government Act

Member of the Diet (submitted on February 21)

Member of the Diet (submitted on February 21)
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Partial revision of the rulesGidai No. 6 bill (PDF: 172KB)Partial revision of the rules of the Yokohama City Council meetingFollowing the relocation to the new city hall, we would like to revise a part of the rules of the Yokohama City Council meeting in order to add a voting method using a push button.Passed
Partial revision of the ordinanceGidai 7 bill (PDF: 139KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City Council Committee OrdinanceWith the relocation to the new city hall, we propose that we would like to revise a part of the Yokohama City Council Committee Ordinance in order to maintain the rules regarding the handling of hearing by the Committee.Passed
OthersGidai 8 bill (PDF: 177KB)Partial revision of the matter of the mayor's dictatorship item designationIn addition to revising the upper limit pertaining to filing, reconciliation, civil arbitration and damages compensation, along with the revision of laws and regulations, the mayor's dictatorship in order to designate necessary revisions such as ordinances as mayor's dictatorship items, etc. We propose that we want to revise a part of the matter designation.Passed

Mayor presentation bill (submitted on February 21)

Mayor presentation bill (submitted on February 21)
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Personnel ProposalsCity 175th billAppointment of Yokohama-shi land use examination committee memberAs the term of office of Motoichi land use examination committee member Masayoshi Ohashi and six others expires on March 19, this year, in order to appoint a successor, Article 39 of the same law based on the provisions of Article 44 of the National Land Use Planning Act Proposed according to the provisions of paragraph 4.Consent

Petition (submitted on February 26)

Petition (submitted on February 26)
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
PetitionPetition No. 28About requesting reappraisal from the Yokohama City Property Evaluation Council regarding the sale of the current city hallRegarding the sale of the current city hall, we would like the mayor to ask the Yokohama City Property Evaluation Council to reapprais the valuation. We would also like to request that the minutes of the committee be made public to Congress.Not adopted
Petition No. 29Asking not to set up a gambling ground in YokohamaI would like to ask the mayor not to set up a gambling ground in Yokohama.Not adopted
Petition No. 30About withdrawal of current city hall discount sale decisionPlease recommend the mayor not to sell the current city hall at a low price.Not adopted
Petition No. 31About deletion of IR (integrated resort) promotion business in Yokohama-shi general account budget in 2020We would like to ask the mayor to delete IR (integrated resort) promotion projects from the Yokohama City General Account Budget in 2020 and resubmit it.Not adopted
Petition No. 32Considering the direction of Hamaben from FY2021 onwardsI would like to discuss the direction of Hama dialect from FY2021 onward.Not adopted
Petition No. 33About promotion of work style reform of Yokohama-shi faculty and staff1 In Yokohama City, we would like to promote the work style reform of city faculty and staff in response to the partial revision of the Special Measures Law Concerning Salaries for Educational Staff at compulsory education Schools.
2 Through the work style reform of Yokohama City, we would like to maintain and improve the willingness of Motoichi faculty and staff to work.
Petition No. 34About continuation of Yokohama-shi social movement support center businessWe want to continue Yokohama-shi social movement support center in current place even after new city hall relocation.Not adopted

Member of the Diet (submitted on March 24)

Member of the Diet (submitted on March 24)
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Submission of Statement of Opinion

Gidai 9 bill (PDF: 198KB)

Submit a written opinion calling for international cooperation on the response to COVID-19 infectionI would like to ask for international cooperation on the response to COVID-19 infection and submit a written opinion to relevant government agencies.Passed
Gidai No. 10 bill (PDF: 139KB)Submission of a written opinion for suppressing the spread of COVID-19 infectionI would like to submit a written opinion to relevant government agencies, etc. regarding the suppression of the spread of COVID-19 infection.Passed

Mayor presentation bill (submitted on March 24)

Mayor presentation bill (submitted on March 24)
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Personnel Proposals

City No. 176

Proposal No. 1

Appointment of Deputy Mayor of Yokohama City

Motoichi Deputy Mayor Takunori Watanabe and Yuri Arakida have applied for Retirement, and the term of Toshihide Hirahara, Deputy Mayor of Motoichi, expires on March 31, this year. Propose according to the provisions of Article 162.
(Deputy mayor newly appointed)

  • Toshihide Hirahara
  • Hirotoshi Castle
  • Takumi Hayashi
City 177th billAppointment of Commissioner City of Yokohama, Board of Education Secretariat

As the term of Takahisa Miyauchi, a member of the Motoichi Board of Education, expires on March 31, this year, we propose to appoint a successor in accordance with the provisions of Article 4, Paragraph 2 of the Act on Organization and Management of Local Education Administration. .
(A newly appointed member of the Board of Education)

  • Masakuni Shioten
Advisory City No. 3

Recommendation of Candidates for Human Rights Committee Member

With the expiration of the term of the Human Rights Committee member Yukiko Asai and 30 others in Motoichi on June 30, this year, we propose according to the provisions of Article 6, Paragraph 3 of the Human Rights Committee Act to recommend candidates I do.

(Newly recommended Commissioner for Human Rights)

  • Yukiko Asai and 30 others
Report that there is no objection

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