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List of Proposals (2nd Regular Meeting in 2011)

Last Updated March 5, 2025

[Table of Contents]
[Table of Contents]
Submitted on May 17Submitted on May 24Submitted on May 31
Member of the Diet:

Partial revision of the ordinance
Establishment of Committee

Mayor presentation bill:

Personnel Proposals

Mayor presentation bill:

Report of the Supreme Disposition (Article 180 of the Local Government Act)
Report of the Supreme Disposition (Article 179 of the Local Government Act)
Partial revision of the ordinance
Abolition of road certification
Designation of designated manager
Conclusion of contract
Supplementary budget

Member of the Diet:

Establishment of ordinances
Establishment of Committee
Recommendation of Committee Members
Submission of Statement of Opinion

Mayor presentation bill:

Personnel Proposals

"Results" in the table below are the results of the decision. It will be posted after voting.

Member of the Diet (submitted on May 17)

Member of the Diet (submitted on May 17)
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Partial revision of the ordinanceGidai No. 1 bill (PDF: 30KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City Council Committee OrdinanceWe propose that it is necessary to revise a part of the ordinance of the Yokohama City Council Committee in order to change the number of members of the Standing Committee.Passed
Establishment of CommitteeGidai No. 2 bill (PDF: 64KB)Establishment of Special Committee

I would like to establish a special committee, so I propose it in accordance with Article 5 of the Ordinance of the Yokohama City Council Committee.
(Committee established in accordance with this proposal)

  • Special Committee on Metropolitan Administration and Finance System 15

Aiming to realize the large city system as soon as possible, and to establish a tax and financial system that responds to the actual situation, strongly promote it, administrative and financial reforms that respond to changes in the times, and designated managers and independent administrative agencies・ Investigate and examine basic matters related to affiliated organizations.

  • Special Committee on U.S. Military Installations Measures 14

To promote the return of U.S. military facilities in Motoichi and the use of the site.

  • Special Committee on Urban Safety & Security 15

Enhance medical care and health promotion to protect the lives of citizens and strengthen preparations for disasters such as fires, heavy rains, and earthquakes, and promote the safety and security of citizens' lives, including children and the elderly, including the creation of cities that are resistant to disasters. To plan.

  • Special Committee on Revitalization of Yokohama's Economy 14

Activate the local economy that supports citizens' lives, such as attracting companies, supporting startups and ventures, creating new industries, promoting the growth and development of city companies, improving the employment environment and promoting urban agriculture. To promote measures.

  • Special Committee on International & Cultural City 14

In addition to promoting exchanges with overseas cities, attracting international conferences, and contributing to the world, as well as transmitting the charm of Yokohama to the world as a cultural arts creation city, and promoting the development of a multicultural city rich in internationality where various people interact. thing.

  • Special Committee on Yokohama Regional Planning 14

Comprehensive town development such as enhancement of familiar living environment and transportation network for town development utilizing unique and attractive local resources in the coastal area and central Tokyo centered on the port that is the vitality of Yokohama, and balanced development of Yokohama Promote measures to revitalize town development.

Personnel ProposalsCity first billAppointment of Yokohama City Audit Committee MemberSince the terms of the Audit Committee members Yoshio Kawabe and WADA Takuo, elected from among the members of the Diet, expired on April 29, this year, we propose to appoint a successor in accordance with Article 196, Paragraph 1 of the Local Government Act. .
(Newly appointed Audit Committee Member)
  • Masatoshi Kawaguchi
  • KATO Hiroto

Mayor presentation bill (submitted on May 24)

Mayor presentation bill (submitted on May 24)
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Report of the Supreme Disposition (Article 180 of the Local Government Act)City Newsletter No. 1Request for payment of royalties for Municipal Housing, etc. Reconciliation in the case of prompt settlement and mediation in the case of Municipal Housing, etc.Settlement and civil settlement related to delinquency of Municipal Housing royalties
(1)Number of settlements: 28 Total: Approx. 8,119 thousand yen Average: Approx. 290 thousand yen per case
(2)Number of cases of mediation: 10 Total: Approx. 4,101 thousand yen Average: Approx. 410 thousand yen per case
City Bulletin No. 2Report on the decision on the amount of damages for car accidents, etc.Determination of the amount of damages belonging to the obligations of the city of Uemoto
General Affairs Bureau 1 case Child and Youth Bureau 4 case Environmental Planning Bureau 1 case
Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau 30, Road and Highway Bureau 3, Fire Bureau 15
Election Administration Commission Secretariat 1 case Kanagawa Ward 3 case Midori Ward 1 case
Total: 59 Total: Approx. 18,084 thousand yen Average: Approx. 307 thousand yen per case
City Bulletin No. 3Report on a dictatorship of a lawsuit settlement regarding a claim for damagesLitigation settlement under the Civil Procedure Law
(Overview of the case) September 16, 2005 At Takigami 2-chome, Isogo-ku, a car for the agency of Motoichi contacted the other party's bicycle and injured the other party.
(Contents of settlement) Motoichi pays approximately 570,000 yen excluding the already paid (approximately 560,000 yen) and the amount paid by automobile liability insurance (3.44 million yen) to the other party
(Determination date) January 26, 2011
Report of the Supreme Disposition (Article 179 of the Local Government Act)City Bulletin No. 4 (PDF: 14KB)Report on the voting disposition regarding the partial revision of the Yokohama City National Health Insurance OrdinanceRevision accompanying partial revision of the National Health Insurance Law Enforcement Ordinance
(1)Payment of lump-sum payment for childbirth 420,000 yen (380,000 yen before revision (420,000 yen from October 1, 2000 to March 31, 2011))
(2)Maximum amount of basic premium levy of 510,000 yen (500,000 yen before revision), etc.
(Date of voting) March 31, 2011
City Bulletin No. 5Report on a dictatorship regarding the filing of an appeal relating to a lawyer's remuneration claim caseAppeal to the judgment of the first instance of a lawyer's remuneration claim case pertaining to a bid rigging case for construction of a refuse incineration plant incinerator
Payment of 100 million yen to the plaintiffs, etc.
(Reason for appeal) In another complaint filed by the appellant (Plaintiff), the existence of an agreement on remuneration between the appellant and the lawyers who are the lawyers who are the litigation agents has not been proved. Because of this, the city has no obligation to pay a considerable amount of remuneration.
(Determination date) April 8, 2011
Partial revision of the ordinanceCity second bill (PDF: 9KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City District Center OrdinanceEstablishment of community houses
(Contents) Bessho Community House (Minami Ward, scheduled to open in March 2012)
(Effective Date) Date specified in the rules
City third bill (PDF: 28KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City public hall OrdinanceIntroduction of designated manager system and usage fee system to Tsurumi public hall, Kanagawa public hall, Konan Public Hall, Hodogaya public hall, Asahi public hall and Kanazawa public hall
(Contents) Regulations on usage fees (upper limit) for conference rooms, auditoriums, and attached facilities
(Effective Date) April 1, 2012
City fourth bill (PDF: 18KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City Keiro Special Ride Certificate OrdinanceRevision of the user's burden on the special ride certificate for the elderly
social security Recipient: Category deletion
Municipal tax-exempt persons: Household tax-exempt persons…Deferral (3,200 yen/year)
Person who has municipal tax taxpayer in household…3,200 yen/year → 4,000 yen/year, etc.
(Effective Date) October 1, 2011
City fifth bill (PDF: 9KB)Partial revision of the Yokohama City School OrdinanceEstablishment of high school junior high schools
(Contents) Minami High School Junior High School (Konan Ward: scheduled to open in April 2012)
(Effective Date) Date specified by the rules of the Board of Education
(Related bills) City No. 6 bill
City sixth bill (PDF: 10KB)Partial revision of the ordinance on tuition fees, etc. at Yokohama Municipal High SchoolRevisions to collect admission fees for high school junior high schools
(Contents) The name of the ordinance was changed to "Ordinance on Tuition Fees at Yokohama City School" and the admission screening fee for Minami High School Junior High School was set at 2,200 yen.
(Effective Date) Date specified by the rules of the Board of Education
(Related bills) City No. 5 bill
Abolition of road certificationCity seventh bill (PDF: 1,682KB)Authorization and abolition of city road lines such as Minezawa Route 329(Certified) 48 routes including Minezawa Route 329
(Abolished) 37 routes including Shioka Route 192
Total 85 routes
SettlementCity eighth bill (PDF: 13KB)Settlement of insurance benefits related to injury cases during classes at Yokohama City Junior High SchoolIn February 2008, at a junior high school ground, a second-year student settled insurance benefits for an accident injured by a shot thrown by another student.
(Other party) National employee health insurance Association and perpetrators
(Contents of settlement) The city will pay approximately 320,000 yen to the National employee health insurance Association as a settlement related to insurance benefits.
MediationCity ninth bill (PDF: 19KB)Conciliation for a specific mediation (debt repayment agreement) petition caseAgreement on mediation based on the recommendations of the Mediation Committee of the Yokohama District Court
(Applicant) 150th Anniversary Association of Yokohama Port
(Other party) TSP Taiyo Co., Ltd.
(Stakeholders) Yokohama City
(Contents of mediation) TSP Taiyo Co., Ltd., a creditor to the Association, bears a certain loss, and at the same time, Yokohama City also contributes a half of the total debt of the Association that cannot be repaid with its own funds (44,738,749 yen) as a subsidy and supports it.
Designation of designated managerCity tenth bill (PDF: 13KB)Designation of designated manager of community care plazaDesignate designated manager of community care plaza (8 facilities)
(Name) Tsurumichuo Community Care Plaza (Tsurumi Chuo 1-chome, Tsurumi-ku)
(Designated manager) Social Welfare Corporation Yokohama YMCA Welfare Association (1-7 Tokiwa-cho, Naka-ku)
(Name) Namamugi Community Care Plaza (4-chome, Ikumugi, Tsurumi-ku)
(Designated manager) Social Welfare Corporation Yokohama YMCA Welfare Association (1-7 Tokiwa-cho, Naka-ku)
(Name) Rokukakubashi Community Care Plaza (Rokukakubashi 3-chome, Kanagawa-ku)
(Designated manager) Social Welfare Corporation Wakatake Dai Kotobukikai (550-1 Hazawa-machi, Kanagawa-ku)
(Name) Serigaya Community Care Plaza (Serigaya 2-chome, Konan-ku)
(Designated manager) Social Welfare Corporation Goodwill Welfare Association (1-28-28 Nishigaoka, Izumi-ku)
(Name) Kawashima Community Care Plaza (Kawajima-cho, Hodogaya-ku)
(Designated manager) Social Welfare Corporation Hokkokai (1,566 Naze-cho, Totsuka-ku)
(Name) Hiyoshi Honmachi Community Care Plaza (4-chome, Hiyoshi Honmachi, Kohoku-ku)
(Designated manager) Social Welfare Corporation Midoriminekai (6,051 Shinyoshida-cho, Kohoku-ku)
(Name) Kamoi Regional Plaza (5-chome Kamoi, Midori-ku)
(Designated manager) Social Welfare Corporation Kiyomitsukai (1,723-1, Kamisugeta-cho, Hodogaya-ku)
(Name) Onda Community Care Plaza (2-chome, Akanedai, Aoba-ku)
(Designated manager) Social welfare corporation green welfare society (4-8 Satsukigaoka, Aoba-ku)
(specified period)
Tsurumichuo, Hiyoshi Honmachi, Kamoi: From April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2012
Namamugi, Rokukakubashi, Serigaya, Kawashima, Onda: Date of commencement of operation-March 31, 2016
City eleventh bill (PDF: 9KB)Designation of designated manager of welfare and health activity base(Name) Nishi Ward Health and Welfare Center (2-chome, Takashima, Nishi-ku)
(Designated Administrator) Japan National Council of Social Welfare, Nishi-ku, Yokohama (2-7-1 Takashima, Nishi-ku, Yokohama)
(Designated period) April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2012
Conclusion of contractCity twelfth bill (PDF: 9KB)Concluded a contract for construction of the 5th block waste landfill (tentative name) (Part 11, ground improvement work)Ground improvement work
(Construction site) 1 land ahead of Minamihonmaki 4-chome, Naka-ku Public water surface
(Contract amount) 2,079,000 thousand yen
(Completion deadline) March 28, 2012
(Contract partner) Goyo-Toyo Construction Consortium
City thirteenth bill (PDF: 7KB)Conclusion of a foundation construction contract for the maintenance of the Minami-Honmoku Wharf Access Port RoadPier foundation work
(Execution location) 5, Nishikicho, Naka-ku
(Contract amount) ¥1,995,840 thousand
(Delivery date) March 31, 2014
(Contract partner) Metropolitan Expressway Co., Ltd.
Supplementary budgetCity 14th bill (PDF: 251KB)2011 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 2)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount (¥24,611,493 thousand)
City 15th bill (PDF: 250KB)2011 Yokohama City National Health Insurance Operating Expenses Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount 21,310,000 thousand yen
City 16th bill (PDF: 253KB)2011 Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market Expense Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount: 50,000 thousand yen
Other municipal bond amendments

Petition (to the Committee on May 24)

Petition (to the Committee on May 24)
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
PetitionPetition No. 1Resolutions on the construction of a global community that does not require warI would like to make a resolution to change the concept of the premise of building the world and to build an advanced global community society in order to realize a world free of war.Not adopted
Petition No. 2Investigations on loans of Marine Tower(1)I would like to re-examine whether the Marine Tower loan was correct.
(2)I would like to recalculate the loan fee.
Not adopted
Petition No. 3Installation of power generation facilities in public facilitiesAbout setting of facilities with power generation function, we want you to perform general adjustment of the whole public facilities of Motoichi.Continued review
Petition No. 4Postponement of air conditioning equipment installation at Yokohama Municipal Elementary Schools Junior High SchoolPlease be instructed to suspend or cancel the budget related to the installation of air conditioning equipment at Yokohama Municipal Elementary Schools Junior High School.Not adopted
Petition No. 5Implementation of school lunch, etc. at Yokohama City Junior High SchoolFor the implementation of school lunch, etc. at Yokohama Municipal Junior High School, please implement the following:
(1)I would like to investigate the student's lunch situation in detail.
(2)If the results of the survey indicate that the implementation of the school lunch is necessary, the study should be started promptly.
Not adopted
Petition No. 6About ensuring the safety of ingredients for school lunchAbout school lunch ingredients, we want you to recommend to the Board of Education and the mayor to give due consideration to the safety of ingredients, such as inspecting the presence or absence of radioactive contamination.Not adopted
Petition No. 7Review of disaster prevention system and inspection of equipment and materials in disaster prevention stockpilingPlease instruct the mayor about review of disaster prevention system and general inspection of stockpiling equipment such as disaster prevention stockpiling.Not adopted
Petition No. 8Disposal to staff involved in improper execution of school lunch feesGuidance to the mayor and the superintendent of education to properly dispose of staff involved in improper execution of school lunch fees from the viewpoint of compliance, labor management of staff, management of public money and quasi-public money, and crime prevention of civil servants. I want to be recommended.Not adopted
Petition No. 9About ensuring the safety of ingredients for school lunchIngredients for school meals are procured from outside radioactive contaminated areas, and in order to prevent misconduct such as impersonation of production areas, strict monitoring systems and radiation measurement of ingredients are carried out. school lunch should advise the Board of Education and the mayor to adopt international food safety standards.Not adopted
Petition No. 10About request for the appointment of the president of Yokohama City University by the mayorI would like the mayor to ask the president of Yokohama City University to appoint a civilian who has been involved in the management of the university or has insight into the management of the university.Not adopted
Petition No. 11About elucidation of the actual situation of payment of period, diligence allowance of city staffWe would like to clarify the actual situation of the payment of city officials at the end of the term and diligence allowances, and recommend the mayor to correct them if there is a legal problem.Not adopted
Petition No. 12About establishment of the regulations to regulate the trend of city staffWe would like to enact ordinances that regulate the status of city officials.Not adopted
Petition No. 13Careful deliberation of the proposal to review the special ride certificate system for respect for the elderlyRegarding the review of the Special Ride Certificate System for Respect for the Elderly, we would like to conduct a careful deliberation based on the background of discussions in Congress so far.Not adopted
Petition No. 14Recommendations for resignation of city council membersFor the purpose of obtaining your own election, please make a false statement in the election bulletin, poster, etc., and make the false fact public and decide on a resignation recommendation of a member of the city council who has elected.Continued review
Petition No. 15Recommendations for resignation of city council membersRegarding the case where false matters were posted on the candidate posters on the public bulletin board, etc., from the standpoint of the council exerting its self-cleaning ability, we would like to resolve the resignation recommendation of a member of the city council without making a judgment by the judiciary.Continued review
Petition No. 16How to submit a written opinion requesting an expansion of the educational budgetPlease submit a written opinion to the relevant organizations of the country regarding the realization of the following matters.
(1)Promote a small number of mathematics classes to create a rich educational environment comparable to OECD countries.
(2)In order to maintain and improve equal educational opportunities and standards, maintain and improve the compulsory education expenditure national treasury burden system and expand the educational budget.

Member of the Diet (submitted on May 31)

Member of the Diet (submitted on May 31)
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Establishment of ordinancesGidai No. 3 bill (PDF: 93KB)Establishment of the ordinance on special provisions for the amount of term-end allowance for members of the Yokohama City Council in 2011 and 2012In order to reduce the amount of term-end allowance for city council members in 2011 and 2012, we propose that we would like to establish an ordinance on special provisions for the amount of term-end allowance for Yokohama city council members in 2011 and 2012 .Continued review
Establishment of CommitteeGidai No. 4 bill (PDF: 103KB)Establishment of Special Investigation Committee on Establishing Yokohama City Council Fundamental OrdinanceI would like to establish a Special Investigation Committee on Establishing Yokohama City Council Fundamental Ordinance, so I propose it in accordance with Article 5 of the Ordinance of the Yokohama City Council Committee.
・Special Investigation Committee on Establishing Yokohama City Council Fundamental Ordinance 12
Investigate and examine the enactment of the Yokohama City Council Basic Ordinance to clarify the activities and activities of the city council in order to further enhance the legislative functions of the City Counsil and to further promote independent and autonomous reforms of the City CounsilCity Counsil.
Recommendation of Committee MembersProposal No. 5Recommendations of the Central and Southwest Agricultural Committee Members of Yokohama CityAs term of committee of Motoichi central agriculture committee and southwestern agriculture committee expires on August 17, this year, rule of law Article 12 second about agriculture committees to recommend successor We propose by.
(Committee of Yokohama City Central Agricultural Committee)
Toshiyuki Sugiyama, Seiichi Suzuki, Katsumi Yagishita, Ichiro Kurihara
(Committee of the Southwestern Yokohama City Agricultural Committee)
Kitamura, Tsuyoshi Mori, Motoharu Onuki, Atsushi Kawaguchi
Submission of Statement of OpinionGidai No. 6 bill (PDF: 75KB)Submission of Statement of Opinion on Expansion of Education BudgetConsidering that education is an upfront investment in the future, it is extremely important to improve the educational budget in order to equalize the educational environment, such as securing human resources for teachers and staff and improving school facilities. .
Therefore, the government should implement a significant improvement in the number of mathematics classes to enable the realization of a small number of mathematics classes, respect the spirit of the national treasury burden system for compulsory education, and expand the national budget to enhance education. I strongly request that you do.
Gidai 7 bill (PDF: 78KB)Submission of a written opinion requesting a review of the calculation method of the ordinary adjustment grant in the National Health InsuranceThe government's ordinary grant for medical treatment is calculated based on theoretical income and actual medical expenses, which reflects the income level of the insured, with the aim of adjusting the imbalance in financial strength among municipalities, and the medical expensesmedical expenses is inconsistent.
The current calculation method is a distribution method that significantly lacks rationality, such as a reversal phenomenon in which insurance premiums per capita are lower than municipalities where municipalities to which ordinary adjustment grants have not been issued.
Therefore, the government strongly urges that the calculation method of ordinary adjustment grants be drastically reviewed and that local governments, such as Yokohama City, strive to optimize medical expenses, will be issued.

Mayor presentation bill (submitted on May 31)

Mayor presentation bill (submitted on May 31)
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Personnel ProposalsCity 17th billAppointment of Yokohama City Audit Committee MemberSince the term of Audit Committee member Toshiaki Yamaguchi, elected from among those with insight, expired on May 31, this year, we propose to appoint a successor in accordance with the provisions of Article 196, Paragraph 1 of the Local Government Act. .
(Newly appointed Audit Committee Member)
・Toshiaki Yamaguchi

Schedule of the 2nd Regular Meeting in 2011

Related information link

Minutes (outside site)
Schedule of regular meetings
List of pros and cons by denomination (PDF: 118KB)
Statement of Position approved
Committee Reference Category Table

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