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  7. Beautiful Buddha statue and Barrier Painting Temple Enmanji Temple

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Beautiful Buddha statue and Barrier Painting Temple Enmanji Temple

Last Updated September 10, 2024

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73.Temple of beautiful Buddha statue and barrier painting Enmanji (Kubocho 50-1)

Beautiful Buddha statue and Barrier Painting Temple Enmanji Temple

After about 500 meters from Kubocho toward the Kuboyama Cemetery, you will see a stately mountain gate on the left. It is Enmanji Temple of Motoyama, according to the Tendai sect. The vermilion color of the Shinhondo, completed in 1990, is vivid.

The main god of this temple is the white coat Kannon of the 33 Kanzeon Kanzeon, which is said to be the Edo period. There is another statue of Amitabha Nyorai, which is said to be from the Muromachi period, both of which are known for their beauty.

Another treasure of this temple is the two-sided barrier painting completed in 1990. The author is a famous Chinese female painter, Iyao Fuyao, who had a lecture on ink painting on NHK TV. After this temple, Sanzen-in Temple, Enryaku-ji Temple, Kamakura Hachimangu Shrine, and Eiheiji Temple in Ohara, Kyoto, have been dedicated to completing and dedicating masterpieces one after another. If you have a chance, please come and visit us.

Bun, picture Tai Hasegawa (presidency of the Nishi Ward Cultural Association Kitora Association)

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