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Benjamin Kannon

Last Updated September 10, 2024

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52.Benjamin Kannon (Miyazaki-cho, 32)

Benjamin Kannon

This year's zodiac sign tells the story of the afternoon. Next to Naritasan Betsuin in Iseyama, there is a Zen temple of the Soto sect called Mantoku-ji Temple. I found a strange horsehead Kannon in the precincts. This Kannon-sama, which is not so large, but whose head is directly head, is engraved on the pedestal with a cross, saying "Dedicate to the Benjamin."

There is a fact that many people were placed and loved with excellent horses on the sign beside him, and he built it in memory of Benjamin, who died of carelessness due to human beings. It is written by the owner's lady who loved him so much, exudes sorrow and resentment, but fortunately it was erected here with the understanding of the priest of this temple. If you are loved so much, Benjamin, you should meditate.

Bun, picture Tai Hasegawa (presidency of the Nishi Ward Cultural Association Kitora Association)

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