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Hiromu Takahashi Meister (Tatami-ko)

Last update date February 1, 2021

Hiroshi Takahashi, Meister's face photo

Hiroshi Takahashi (Takahashi)
Tatami mat work

Selected in fiscal 2000 (fifth term)
Lives in Kanagawa Ward

  • Born in Yokohama in 1936.
  • Take over Takahashi Tatami Store
  • Class 1 tatami mat technician, vocational training instructor's license, Monozukuri Meister (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
  • He has served as General Manager of Skill Development Division of the Yokohama Tatami Association Federation, Skill Testing Committee, and a member of the Skill Competition in Kanagawa Prefecture.

Passion and inquisitiveness as a tatami mat master

Making professional tatami mats began with Takahashi's passion for focusing on the philosophy and art of art as a craftsman, saying, "It's embarrassing if you don't know anything about tatami."

Takahashi says, "I found a way to not show seams on both sides when I made a job tatami mat," "I don't mean, but I'm making it because I like it," says Takahashi, a craftsman. The most happy time is when praised by customers.

"Because tatami mats cannot be made on the spot, I'm happy when the one that has been brought home and completed is properly in the original place," says Takahashi, who works hard on daily tatami making.

Meister's skill

Hiromu Takahashi Meister Work

The quality of the grass in the tatami material is not constant because it is natural material.

Therefore, with the many years of experience of craftsmen, such as `` knives '' of various sizes, `` sewing machines '' and `` sewing needles '' for sew tatami mats, `` crossing '' to measure the width of the helicopter, `` waxe '' measuring the thickness etc. Make full use of tools.

Professional tatami mats, such as "Goshinza" where the shrine is enshrined, and "Hexagon tatami mats" as decorative tatami mats, are very difficult to match the corners.

Unlike ordinary flat sews, the technique of directly sews a tatami mat with six flat surfaces, the technique of directly sews a tatami mat (tatami Omote) is used, and the technique was devised by Mr. Takahashi. Was devised and spread.

And the basics of the Kanto style are based on Mr. Takahashi's work.


Tools of Hiromu Takahashi Meister

As the fifth generation of Takahashi Tatami store that has been in Yokohama since the Edo period, he has accumulated training at the same time as graduating from junior high school, and became a shopkeeper at the age of 37.

A photo that I met at the age of 40 triggered me to start self-taught (Yusoku) tatami mats used in shrines and temples, and developed various techniques to create works.

His work has been used at more than 100 shrines and temples nationwide, including Oyama Afurijinja.

Major awards

  • Received the Kanagawa Prefectural Commendation in 1986 (Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture)
  • Received the Skill Testing Committee Award in 1992 (Chairman of Kanagawa Prefecture Vocational Ability Development Association)
  • 1997 Yokohama City Skilled Workers Award (The Mayor of Yokohama)
  • Received Merit Award in 2001 (Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare)

You can meet Meister's skills here!

Takahashi Tatami Store
1-17-26, Shimosueyoshi, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi
Phone: 045-581-0482

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