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What kind of person is not eligible for specific medical examinations?

Last Updated October 18, 2021

National Health Insurance

 According to the notification of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, those who meet the following conditions will not be eligible for specific medical examinations even if they meet other conditions.
 Those who are not eligible for specific medical examinations are admitted to the hospital for pregnancy, childbirth, treatment of illness, etc., and for residents of the facility, etc., there are provisions concerning the maintenance of health for residents of the physical checkup, etc., according to their respective facility standards, etc.

1 Pregnant women (when pregnant or giving birth during the year)
(2) Persons detained in penal institutions, labor offices, and other similar facilities
3 Those who have been hospitalized in a hospital or clinics for more than 6 months
4 Persons entering or moving into facilities prescribed in Article 55, Paragraph 1, Item 2 to Item 5 of the Act on Securing Medical Care for Elderly People (Act No. 80 of 1982)
 (No. 2) Residents of facilities for persons with disabilities stipulated in the Act for Comprehensive Support of the Daily and Social Life of Persons with Disabilities (Comprehensive Support for Persons with Disabilities Act)
 (No. 3) Residents of Nozomi-no-en, a comprehensive facility for persons with severe intellectual disabilities (Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture)
 (No. 4) Residents of nursing homes or nursing homes for the elderly under the Elderly Welfare Law (persons who enter measures)
 (No. 5) Residents of specific facilities prescribed in the Nursing Care Insurance Law or residents of long-term care insurance facilities

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