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Who pays the National Health Insurance premium?

Last Updated October 28, 2021

National Health Insurance

The National Health Insurance premium must be paid to the head of the household for all insured persons in the household.

For this reason, even if the head of the household is not an insured person of the National Health Insurance, if there is an insured person of the National Health Insurance in the same household, the insurance premium calculated only for the insured person Will be paid to the head of household.

Contact information

[Ward Office Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section] of your ward (please see <List of References for each ward office Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section>)
Contact information

Inquiries to this page

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Insurance and Pension Division

Telephone: 045-671-2422

Telephone: 045-671-2422

Fax: 045-664-0403

Email address:

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Page ID: 470-048-553


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