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I want a certificate for applying the National Health Insurance limit.

Last Updated October 3, 2023

National Health Insurance

Under the National Health Insurance system, if the monthly medical expenses becomes expensive, the National Health Insurance limit certificate and the National Health Insurance limit application and the standard burden reduction certificate are issued to the following persons upon application by applying for the medical expenses window.

<National Health Insurance Limit Application Certificate>
・Those who are under 70 years of age and belong to a residence tax taxable household
・Those who are 70 years old or older and fall under the same level as active income 1 and active income 2

<Certificate of applying the National Health Insurance limit and reducing the standard burden>
・Those under the age of 70 who belong to households exempt from residence tax
・Those who are 70 years old or older and fall under low income 1 and low income 2
If you present this proof to a medical institution in advance at the time of hospitalization, the meal fee will be reduced along with the application of the window burden limit.

Application destination

What is required for application

National Health Insurance Insured Card (If you are between the ages of 70 and 74 as of the first day of the application month, National Health Insurance Card and Elderly Recipient Card)

Related Websites

Inquiries to this page

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Insurance and Pension Division (I can't answer individual consultations. Please contact the "Contact Information" above.

Telephone: 045-671-2422

Telephone: 045-671-2422

Fax: 045-664-0403

Email address:

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Page ID: 525-674-413


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