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  6. Press Release FY2021
  7. The Cookpad Mart service starts at Yokohama Municipal Subway.      -To a place that connects producers and sellers in the city with residents along the line for the bustle through "food"-

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The Cookpad Mart service starts at Yokohama Municipal Subway.      -To a place that connects producers and sellers in the city with residents along the line for the bustle through "food"-

Last Updated June 17, 2021

Press release materials

June 17, 2021

Economic Affairs Bureau Commercial Promotion Division

Yasushi Oshimi

Phone number: 045-671-3488

Fax: 045-664-9533

In Yokohama City, as an initiative in a new lifestyle, a refrigerator `` Mart Station '' for receiving `` Cookpad Mart '', a fresh food EC platform operated by Cookpad Co., Ltd. that allows you to receive fresh foods etc. in contactless and non-face-to-face. By installing it on the subway station premises, we plan to improve the convenience of municipal subway users and residents along the line.
Based on a cooperation agreement with Cookpad Co., Ltd. (concluded on November 5, 2020), Yokohama City has been working to improve consumer convenience, promote producers and sellers, and support sales promotion. We will support the campaign implemented by Cookpad Co., Ltd. in line with the establishment of the "mart Station".

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