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  6. Press Release FY2019
  7. -Open a store at the Sogo Dept. Store (Shin-Toshi Hall) Yokohama store from a local shopping street in Yokohama! -Women's Support Fair

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-Open a store at the Sogo Dept. Store (Shin-Toshi Hall) Yokohama store from a local shopping street in Yokohama! -Women's Support Fair

Last Updated October 29, 2019

Press release materials

October 29, 2019

Economic Affairs Bureau Commercial Promotion Division

Yasushi Oshimi

Phone number: 045-671-2577

Fax: 045-664-9533

Six unique stores in the city's shopping streets will open at the Women's Support Fair, an event held at the Sogo Dept. Store (Shin-Toshi Hall) Yokohama store.
We will convey the appeal of each store by selling specialty products that are loved by locals and letting more people know. Please take this opportunity to stop by the venue and rediscover the charm of the shopping street store.

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Page ID: 405-693-216


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