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  7. [Press Release] Idogaya Living Lab × Yokohama-style regional contribution company “permanent companies and regions” considered as Yokohama-style regional contribution company

Last Updated July 23, 2019

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[Press Release] Idogaya Living Lab × Yokohama-style regional contribution company “permanent companies and regions” considered as Yokohama-style regional contribution company

Press release materials

July 23, 2019

Economic Affairs Bureau Management and Founding Support Division

Takayuki Nakamura

Phone number: 045-671-2575

Fax: 045-664-4867

At "Idogaya Living Lab", we work with various actors in the town to engage in services and manufacturing that enrich local life.
At the 9th Living Lab, Yokohama City Economic Affairs Bureau will co-host an event entitled "Eternal Companies and Regions Considering Yokohama-style Regional Contribution Companies", where various companies and organizations interact with each other and think about "Eternity of Companies and Regions" together!

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