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  6. Press Release FY2019
  7. NTT DOCOMO x Yokohama Industrial Technology Support Center IoT basic knowledge hands-on training will be held.

Last Updated July 1, 2019

Here's the text.

NTT DOCOMO x Yokohama Industrial Technology Support Center IoT basic knowledge hands-on training will be held.

-We will explain the flow of IoT product development in a practical manner! ~

Press release materials

July 1, 2019

Economic Affairs Bureau Industrial Technology Support Center

Tatsuro Takaie

Phone number: 045-788-9010

Fax: 045-788-9555

 This is a training course to learn the overall picture of IoT product development (from sensing to cloud visualization) from the basics using practical methods, including actual IoT devices.
 We will talk about the basics of IoT, so there is no need for detailed knowledge. If you are interested in IoT product development, please feel free to join us as a place to train employees.

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