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  6. Press Release FY2019
  7. Small and medium-sized enterprise new technology and new product development promotion business subsidy grant 12 businesses are decided!

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Small and medium-sized enterprise new technology and new product development promotion business subsidy grant 12 businesses are decided!

Last Updated October 23, 2019

Press release materials

October 23, 2019

Economic Affairs Bureau Manufacturing Support Division

Yuki Takayanagi

Phone number: 045-671-3839

Fax: 045-664-4867

 In Yokohama City, we are implementing the "Small and Medium Enterprise New Technology and New Product Development Promotion Subsidy" to support innovation for the growth and development of SMEs. We will support companies that are eager to engage in research and development by subsidizing expenses related to preliminary research, research, and development so that they can actively work on new technologies and new products.
 This time, 12 projects eligible for grant have been decided. Each company will pursue research and development of new technologies and new products and aim for commercialization!

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Economic Affairs Bureau Manufacturing Support Division SBIR

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Page ID: 843-692-788


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