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  6. Press Release FY2019
  7. Held the 1st Employment Matching Exchange Meeting in FY2019-Attractive Working in Manufacturing Companies-

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Held the 1st Employment Matching Exchange Meeting in FY2019-Attractive Working in Manufacturing Companies-

Last Updated July 31, 2019

Press release materials

July 31, 2019

Economic Affairs Bureau Manufacturing Support Division

Yuki Takayanagi

Phone number: 045-671-3839

Fax: 045-664-4867

 The shortage of human resources for small and medium-sized enterprises is becoming increasingly severe due to a decrease in the working-age population.
 There are many small and medium-sized enterprises in Yokohama with excellent technical capabilities. We hold "employment matching exchange meetings" four times a year to provide opportunities for job seekers to interact directly with these companies, and actively disseminate young job seekers with high needs to support the securing of human resources for small and medium-sized enterprises. I will try.
 The first one is intended for companies related to manufacturing in the city that are certified and certified by Yokohama City, and a dedicated concierge will be assigned to enhance the matching effect between companies and job seekers. In addition, by preparing individual booths, we will create a calm space.

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Economic Affairs Bureau Manufacturing Support Division

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