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- Participated in “Senior Raku Farm One Day Farming Experience”
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Participated in “Senior Raku Farm One Day Farming Experience”
Last Updated December 22, 2023
Harvest of radish
Experience making ridges
Sowing beans
Participated in “Senior Raku Farm One Day Farming Experience”
Participated in a one-day farming experience in a senior paradise farm held in the Ikebe Agricultural Area.
The Senior Raku Farming Business is a collaborative project between the Senior Raku Farm Association and the farmer and the Tsuzuki Ward Office. Every year, we recruit participants for those aged 60 and over who live in Tsuzuki Ward to promote health and friendship through farming and other activities, and to contribute to the revitalization of the conservation and the local community.
On the day of the farming experience, we experienced harvesting radish, making ridges, sowing beans, etc.
It was very impressive that the participants were working together on farming and farming while cooperating, and I realized again that it was a wonderful activity.
We will continue to carry out our business in cooperation with the Senior Raku Farm Association and the farmer.
Mayor of Tsuzuki Kenichi Sasada
What is the Senior Raku Farming Business?…
This project started in fiscal 2003 and is currently being implemented as a collaborative project between the Senior Raku Farm Association and the Tsuzuki Ward Office and the Farmer.
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Email address: tz-kusei@city.yokohama.jp
Page ID: 277-669-202