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Last update date April 1, 2024

Yokohama-shi Call Center

In addition to information on various procedures and counters at ward offices and city halls, we also accept inquiries such as city facilities, event information, and municipal traffic guidance. Please feel free to use it even when you don't know where to listen.
  "Yokohama City Call Center" page
※Depending on the content of the inquiry, it may take a few days to respond to the department in charge, so it may take a few days to respond. In addition, we will transmit the information about the individual necessary to respond to the department in charge. Thank you for your understanding.

When you want to contact the Tsuzuki Ward   Office directly

Business and contact information (Phone number fax e-mail address) for each department of the Tsuzuki Ward   Office.
  Tsuzuki Ward   Office "outline of business" Page

When you want to check it yourself

This is a summary of the questions that are frequently asked by Yokohama City.
  Q&A Frequently Asked Questions

For inquiries to this page

Tsuzuki Ward   Office

Phone: 045-948-2323

Phone: 045-948-2323

Fax: 045-948-2228

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Page ID: 201-737-476

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