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- A ceremony was held to present a certificate of appreciation for the continuous fire-free area award.
Here's the text.
A ceremony was held to present a certificate of appreciation for the continuous fire-free area award.
Last Updated June 27, 2023
Certificate of Appreciation Presentation Ceremony
A ceremony was held to present a certificate of appreciation for the continuous fire-free area award.
We have presented a letter of appreciation to the Neighborhood Association of the Saedo Kagahara District Confederation for two consecutive years.
I think this is the result of having been actively working to prevent fires on a daily basis. Thank you for your continued public relations and environment creation for local security and security.
Mayor of Tsuzuki Kenichi Sasada
Inquiries to this page
Tsuzuki fire department General Affairs and Prevention Division
Telephone: 045-945-0119
Telephone: 045-945-0119
Fax: 045-945-0119
Email address: sy-tsuzuki-sy@city.yokohama.jp
Page ID: 694-277-313