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[46th] "Midori Ward area" of local SNS app "Piazza" opens

March 16, 2021

Last Updated March 16, 2021

"Creating local connections" in the "new lifestyle" of the corona disaster is a major issue for the ward. In order to strengthen the dissemination of ward administration information and revitalize the community of residents online, we have concluded a partnership agreement with Midori Ward and PIAZZA Co., Ltd., which operates the local SNS app "Piazza", and opened the "Midori Ward area" within the app.

The local SNS application "Piazza" is an application that allows users to exchange familiar information with each other. At the same time, the "What's New" and "Midori Ward anti-crime program Information Mail" posted on the top page of the Midori Ward website are automatically posted so that you can quickly convey information about the Midori Ward Office.

At the signing ceremony, Mr. Yano said, "The child-raising generation in their 30s and 40s is the center of users, but in the past year it has been used by a wide range of generations. It would be a place for local people to learn about the goodness of Midori Ward by sharing familiar information with each other." "I would like to cooperate as a peerzza to solve the issues of the ward."

"Regional connections" have been nurtured by local people for many years. Although there are some difficult situations for the time being due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I would like to continue to value a place where I can meet with you directly, listen to stories, and deepen bonds. On the other hand, digitalization is also necessary as a means of collecting and communicating information in a new way of life. By utilizing this app, I hope that many generations will know the area and become one of the opportunities to get involved in local events.
Why don't you take a look at the local SNS application "Piazza" once?

Click here for details of the application and how to register.

Piazza handbill
Local SNS application "Piazza" handbill

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March 2021 Mayor Midori

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(Okada Nobuo)

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