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  5. 2020
  6. [21st] Visit Satoyama Garden and Forest Adventure in the rich nature.

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[21st] Visit Satoyama Garden and Forest Adventure in the rich nature.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Last Updated October 15, 2020

On Monday, October 12, I went to Satoyama Garden Festa adjacent to Midori Ward. Measures against COVID-19 infection, such as measures against typhoons up to the day before and traffic restrictions on garden roads, were also being implemented.
In the large flower bed of about 10,000 square meters that Yokohama City boasts nationwide, the flowers from the city were blooming colorfully. The pink cosmos accented the red-colored Kia and the colorful zinia, and was overwhelmed by its gorgeousness.
The staff members are carefully cared for Halloween-conscious accessories and picking flower husks every day. Many people were fascinated by the beauty of the flowerbed.
Satoyama Garden Festa will be held until Sunday, October 18th.
I also visited Forest Adventure Yokohama, adjacent to Satoyama Garden. In front of the full-fledged athletic, we could see that parents and children were enjoying the thrill and exhilaration while talking to each other. Wooden paths (universal passes) that can be strolled by strollers and wheelchairs seem to be only here among forest ventures nationwide.
Please enjoy the flowers and greenery in the rich nature. 

<Satoyama Garden>

<Forest Adventure Yokohama>

October 2020 Mayor Midori

A man
(Okada Nobuo)

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