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  5. 2020
  6. [27th] Congratulations on the "Railway Day" Memorial Kanto Transport Bureau Director's Award!

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[27th] Congratulations on the "Railway Day" Memorial Kanto Transport Bureau Director's Award!

November 30, 2020

Last Updated November 30, 2020

The other day, six people from Kamoi Station Area Community Development Study Group (commonly known as Kamoi Machiken) came.
At the beginning, we heard that on October 26, 2020, we received the Kanto Transport Bureau Director's Commendation for Railway Day.
Kamoi Machiken has been active for more than 20 years since its establishment in 1999. Approximately 80 members of a wide range of ages, from their 30s to 90s, are enjoying various activities. Everyone I met this time was full of smiles and was stimulated by their vitality.
In the award-winning cleaning activity in front of Kamoi Station, it is said that the station stairs are washed and cleaned once a month, not only weekly garbage collection. We have a total of more than 900 achievements so far, and we pay tribute to our long-standing activities. I sometimes get off the train at Kamoi Station and walk along the Tsurumi River for one station, but I heard that the reason why I can use the station comfortably is because of the steady activities of Kamoi Machiken. I felt again.
Of the activities, the Kamoi Station concert (commonly known as Ekikon), which is held about three times a year, seems to be thriving every time. Last year, the 50th Ekicon was held in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the constituency system, but this year the 51st event could not be held due to the effects of COVID-19 infection, and the original "Camapy Cookie" is also a year when there are few numbers, and I am very sorry.
At present, the rage of COVID-19 has reached the third wave and there is still no sign that it will decline. We are hurting local activities, but we look forward to the realization of the 51st Ekikon in a new lifestyle in the near future. . In that case, I would like to participate.

Kamoi Town Research Institute and Mayor Okada
Congratulations to the members of the Kamoi Station Area Town Development Study Group, this award!

From the left in the back row, Mr. Morimoto, Chairman of the Environment Department, Advisor Fujimura, and Mr. Kano.
From the left in the front row, Adviser Hatano, Representative Hoya, Mayor Okada, Advisor Koiso

November 2020 Mayor Midori

A man
(Okada Nobuo)

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