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  5. 2020
  6. [39th] Please cooperate with Toyo Eiwa University-SDGs starting with a cup of coffee-"Coffee Project (fundraising activity)"!

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[39th] Please cooperate with Toyo Eiwa University-SDGs starting with a cup of coffee-"Coffee Project (fundraising activity)"!

February 17, 2021

Last Updated February 17, 2021

In Midori Ward, we concluded a basic agreement on cooperation and cooperation with Toyo Eiwa University in March 2020, and we planned to promote cooperation and cooperation in various fields such as international relations and educational relations. However, this year we were very sorry that we were unable to carry out the projects we wanted to prevent COVID-19 infections.
Under such circumstances, students introduced the “Coffee Project” under the theme of “SDGs Starting with a Full of Coffee (Sustainable Development Goals)”, which are being undertaken mainly by students.
In the "Coffee Project", in collaboration with private companies, we produce the university's original coffee drip bag "Eiwa Café" and present it to those who cooperated in the fund-raising activities. The donations collected will be donated to Fedal Farm, a school for disabled and working facilities in Colombia.
The coffee beans are produced by women at Bejavista Farm in Colombia, and drinking "Eiwa Café" also leads to a stable life for women. In addition, the students also devised a package design for a drip bag that reminds students of tasting, choosing the type of beans, and connecting producers and consumers.
I also tasted "Eiwa Café", but it was a very delicious coffee that could enjoy the orange flavor and the lingering sound of milk chocolate.
Fundraising activities are until February 28. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

※Please check the website of Toyo Eiwa University for details. (external site)

February 2021 Mayor Midori

A man
(Okada Nobuo)

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