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We interviewed Kannai Senior Club!

Last Updated February 7, 2024

The Kannai Senior Club, established in April 2023, is the newest senior citizen club in Naka Ward. Naka Ward is the first new club in 10 years and has been actively engaged in various activities since its opening.
In addition to monthly regular meetings and patrols, we also conduct a wide variety of activities such as "Ukulere Classroom", "Tea Ceremony Class", and "Healthy Mahjong" so that members can participate happily. The venue uses the Volunteer Network 21 Kanagawa Conference Room on the 3rd floor of Certe Shopping Center, and is crowded with about 10 to 15 participants each time.
In February, a new “Kannai Smartphone Digital Utilization Cafe” has also started.
It is a mini-lecture where you can call the instructor to learn basic usage of smartphones and how to use LINE.
Everyone who participated was happily participating while struggling with various functions. .
Mr. Yukawa, an executive officer, said, "We will continue to increase various activities. I want more people to know about the activities and participate by all means. "He said in a lively manner.
If you are interested in seeing this article, why not join the geriatrics club and participate in various events?
For more information, please contact the secretariat of the Naka Ward Senior Citizens' Club.
Contact: 045-681-8480

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