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  6. "Spring Ground Golf Tournament" hosted by the Naka Ward Elderly Club Federation was held!

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"Spring Ground Golf Tournament" hosted by the Naka Ward Elderly Club Federation was held!

Last Updated May 28, 2024

May 27, 2024
The 31st Ground Golf Tournament hosted by the Federation of Naka Ward Elderly Clubs was held at Ko Konan Park.
Despite the unfortunate weather with light rain on the day, as many as 58 people participated.
After Mr. Saito's opening remarks, play began at the opening ceremony of Naka Director General Kobayashi.
When you hit the ball well, you can enjoy each other in a friendly atmosphere, such as having fun with your group friends.
Everyone was able to demonstrate the results of their daily practice.
Soga Deputy Director General also went around the course and had a time to interact with the members.

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