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  6. We held a certificate award ceremony for junior high school students' "Composition on Tax"!

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We held a certificate award ceremony for junior high school students' "Composition on Tax"!

Last Updated January 14, 2020

On December 17, 2019, at Nakaodai Junior High School, the 53rd (2019) junior high school student's "Composition on Tax" Yokohama Ichinaka Mayor's Award and other commendation certificates were held.
This award ceremony is held as part of a tax education promotion activity to make the next generation junior high school students widely aware of the importance of tax.
On the day, Nagisa Igarashi (Yokohama Ichinaka Mayor's Award) and Yuta Tsukui (Yokohama Prefectural Tax Office Director's Award, Kanagawa Prefecture) were awarded a certificate of commendation.
Congratulations to all the winners!

Winners Yuta Tsukui and Tsuki Nagisa Igarashi, who stand with a certificate of merit
(From left) Yuta Tsukui Tsukui, Director of Yokohama Prefectural Tax Office in Kanagawa Prefecture, Mayor of Yokohama Ichinaka Award Nagisa Igarashi

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