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Housing conditions 4-1: Condominium Stock

Last Updated December 9, 2022

Changes in the number of houses by construction method

Looking at the changes in the number of houses by way of construction, apartments exceeded single-family homes in 1983, and as of 2018, apartments account for 60% of all houses. Of these, non-wooden houses on the third floor or higher account for about 80%. (Fig.4-1-1).

Change in the number of houses by construction method (Yokohama City)
Figure 4-1-1 Changes in the number of houses by building method (Yokohama City)

Document: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications “Showa 48-1993 Housing Statistics Survey”, “Heisei 10, 15, 20, 20, 25, and 30 Housing and Land Statistics Survey”

Changes in the number of houses by construction method and ownership relationship

Furthermore, by ownership relationship, the number of condominiums in the past 15 years (the number of exclusive houses with three or more non-wooden houses) increased by 117,000 units, exceeding the increase in single-family homes (Fig.4-1-2).

Changes in the number of houses by construction method and ownership relationship (Yokohama City)
Figure 4-1-2 Changes in the number of houses by building type and ownership relationship (Yokohama City)

Document: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications “Showa 63 / 1993 Housing Statistics Survey”, “Heisei 10, 15, 20, 20, 25, and 30 Housing and Land Statistics Survey”

Changes in the proportion of condominiums to owned homes

In 2018, 391,700 units in 2018, accounted for 40% of the owners, more than doubled compared to 1993 (Figure 4-1-3).

Changes in the proportion of condominiums to owned homes (Yokohama City)
Figure 4-1-3 Changes in the proportion of condominiums in their own homes (Yokohama City)

Document: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications “1993 Housing Statistics Survey”, “Heisei 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Housing and Land Statistics Survey”

Percentage of condominiums to own homes in each ward

Condominiums account for 30.1% of total housing in Isogo Ward. Seya Ward, on the other hand, decreased by 6.0% (Fig.4-1-4).

Percentage of condominiums to own homes in each ward
Figure 4-1-4 Percentage of condominiums to owned homes in each ward

Document: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, “2018 Housing and Land Statistics Survey”

Percentage of condominium stock by construction period

Condominiums built before 1980 have more than 60,000 units, and old houses still exist at the same level.
Therefore, it is necessary to take measures such as providing information and consulting on large-scale repairs and rebuilding to Residential Association. (Fig.4-1-5).

Percentage of condominium stock by construction period (Yokohama City)
Figure 4-1-5 Percentage of condominium stock by construction period (Yokohama City)

Document: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications “Showa 63 / 1993 Housing Statistics Survey”, “Heisei 10, 15, 20, 20, 25, and 30 Housing and Land Statistics Survey”

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