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  6. The IC card cannot be used outside the Tokyo metropolitan area because the IC card remains in the Yokohama Municipal Subway. How can I use it again?

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Since the IC card remains on the Yokohama Municipal Subway, it cannot be used outside the Tokyo metropolitan area. How can I use it again?

Last Updated August 7, 2023


If you are unable to use a transportation IC card outside the Tokyo metropolitan area because you are still in the Yokohama Municipal Subway, we will coordinate with Transportation Bureau High-speed Railway Headquarters sales section through Pasmo Co., Ltd.
Sorry for your inconvenience, but if you wish to use the transportation IC card again, please access the application form from the link below and apply.
If you are in the Tokyo metropolitan area, please contact the nearest PASMO railway operator station.

Application Form

Inquiries to this page

Sales Division, Transportation Bureau High Speed Rail Division

Telephone: 045-671-3175

Telephone: 045-671-3175

Fax: 045-550-4181

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Page ID: 130-978-843


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