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What is lifestyle-related diseases?

Last update date February 22, 2023

Don't you think, "I'm fine because I'm healthy!"

lifestyle-related diseases is a general term for diseases caused by bad habits on a daily basis, such as disturbed eating habits, lack of exercise, smoking and excessive stress. The typical diseases are as follows. (Link to the website of the Japan Medical Association)

Metabopapa's picture

1.High blood pressure (external site) (to Japan Medical Association official website)

2.Dyslipidemia (external site) (to Japan Medical Association official website)

3.Diabetes (outside site) (to Japan Medical Association official website)
~ November 14 is World Diabetes Day ~ (external site)


lifestyle-related diseases progresses without subjective symptoms, and suddenly attacks one day after decades. Just reviewing your daily life a little, you can control its onset.
Here, look back on your life and work on what you can do for your health.

This lifestyle is dangerous! Let's look back on everyday life and check it out.

Dietary habits
□I likes and dislikes and food is biased.
□I hardly eat vegetables
□I like fried food and sweet foods
□I'll eat a full stomach
□Meal hours are irregular.
□A lot of eating out
□I prefer to have a strong taste.

□I don't usually exercise
□I don't move my body at desk work.
□Even in short distances
□Use escalators and elevators
□I like to go around.

Tobacco, drinking, and stress
□I can't stop smoking
□Drink as much as you want to drink
□Continued lack of sleep
□I am suffering from human relationships
□He has a strong sense of responsibility.
□It is said that he is scary.

・Review of the check

Those who check at least one of the items of diet, exercise, and tobacco, drinking and stress are at risk of becoming lifestyle-related diseases. If you have at least one check, please review your lifestyle. If you haven't checked it, continue your current life and maintain your health.

To avoid being lifestyle-related diseases

What should we do to avoid being lifestyle-related diseases? We will introduce you in the following two ways.

  1. Points are introduced from the five fields of "dietary habits", "tooth and oral cavity", "smoking / drinking", "exercise", and "rest / mental".
  2. Let's have physical checkup (specified Health Checkups / Health Checkups, Yokohama) and cancer screening regularly. It is recommended that you visit a doctor once a year at a fixed time. Make sure to check your physical condition once a year.


Specified Health Checkups (Applicable: 40 to 74 years old)

Yokohama City Health Checkups (Applicable: 75 years or older)

Cancer Screening

Introduction of lifestyle-related diseases prevention Business

Nishi Ward Office Health Promotion Section is accepting consultations on lifestyle-related diseases! All reservations are required. Reservations can be made by phone.

・Dietary health consultation [advance reservation system] Twice a month (consultation time: 30 minutes) Consultation schedule page

Individual consultations are available for those who want to be careful about their diet due to diabetes, high blood pressure, etc., or those who do not know dietary treatment.

・Lifestyle improvement consultation [advance reservation system] Once a month (consultation time: 30 minutes) Consultation schedule page

We will help you review your healthy lifestyle habits. The bone density is also measured.

How to make a reservation?

  • Reservation by telephone
    Please contact Nishi Ward Office Health Promotion Section (Phone: 045-320-8439) [Mon-Fri 8:45 to 17:00 Holidays].

For inquiries to this page

Nishi Ward Health and Welfare Division Health Promotion Section

Phone: 045-320-8439

Phone: 045-320-8439

Fax: 045-324-3703

Email address:

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Page ID: 392-018-422

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