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About public auction

Last Updated January 20, 2025

"Public auction" means that the property (real estate / movable property) seized by Yokohama City (ward office) as a delinquent disposal of the National Health Insurance premium is sold according to the provisions of the law, and the sale price is used for national health insurance premiums. It will be sold by "bid" or "selling".
Regarding the sale of real estate, there are also sales of municipal land (*1) by the Finance Bureau Facility Management Promotion Section of Yokohama City, and auctions under the jurisdiction of courts. Procedures and contents are different, so please contact the relevant department.

※1 "Municipal land open call for participants sale" means selling land owned by the city, such as alternative land, by methods such as general competitive bidding. About "municipal ownership land open call for participants sale", please confirm page of municipal ownership land open call for participants sale.

Real estate joint public auction

Guidance of real estate joint public auction

In Yokohama-shi (ward office), we perform sale (public auction) by due date bid about the next property (real estate) seized.
Person who is hoped for purchase of public auction property, please read page of "about procedure of real estate joint public auction (date bid)" and participate in bid.

Real estate joint public auction (date bid) Property list

In fiscal 2024, Insurance and Pension Division in each ward of the Yokohama City Hall is in charge of the following two properties:
In addition, please confirm page of Finance Bureau collection measures section about real estate public auction property in charge of each ward Tax Division.

(Note) The land, type, area, etc. of the property are indicated in the registry.

Sales classification number: Ho-11

Estimated price: 14,700,000 yen

Location: :80-44, Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi
Property type: Co-owned buildings
The main land :ー
Main type :Home
Total land area  :ー
Total occupied area: 65.72㎡

※In the above file, you can check the status of property, transportation, location map, etc.

Sales classification number: Izumi-11

Estimated price: 6,700,000 yen

Location: :4-26-6, Izumichuominami, Izumi-ku, Yokohama-shi
Property type: Co-owned buildings
The main land :ー
Main type :Home
Total land area  :ー
Total occupied area: 57.16㎡

※In the above file, you can check the status of property, transportation, location map, etc.

[Please be sure to read] About procedure of real estate joint public auction (date bid)

About summary of bid, public auction date and time, venue, downloading of documents necessary for bid, please confirm "about procedure of real estate joint public auction (date bid)" beforehand by all means.

Internet Public Auction

Movable property

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Real estate

I don't have any plans at this time.

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Inquiries to this page

Insurance and Pension Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Life and Welfare Department

Telephone: 045-671-3922

Telephone: 045-671-3922

Fax: 045-664-0403

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Page ID: 487-337-478


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