

Here's the text.

About electoral list

Last Updated July 3, 2020

If you are not registered in the electoral list, you will not be able to vote
If you move, let's send it right away.

It is registered in the electoral list four times a year (March 6.9 and December 1) in the ward where you live. In addition, when there is an election, it will be registered temporarily.
In addition, if the following requirements are met, no special procedure is required to register in the electoral list.
1.Have a Address in the area of the municipality where you live.
2.A Japanese citizen who is 18 years of age or older.
3.Must be recorded in the Basic Resident Register of the municipality for at least three months from the date the resident certificate was created or the date of notification of transfer (if you move out of the city before registering in the electoral list, If it is within 4 months after moving out, it will be registered in the electoral list of the municipality before moving out). In addition, when we move in Yokohama-shi, period of three months is counted.
Number of electoral registrants

Be careful! Registration of the electoral list is based on the Basic Resident Register. Therefore, the notification of the relocation of Address, etc. must be made within 14 days from that date.

For inquiries to this page

Election Division, Election Administration Commission Secretariat Election Department

Phone: 045-671-3335

Phone: 045-671-3335

Fax: 045-681-6479

Email address:

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Page ID: 373-109-840


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