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[Press Release] We will hold the 41st Yokohama Skills Festival

Last Updated September 15, 2022

Press release materials

September 15, 2022

Economic Affairs Bureau Employment and Labor Division

Yuko Utsugi

Phone number: 045-671-2303

Fax: 045-664-9188

We hold "the 41st Yokohama skill festival" on the following schedule. The Yokohama Skills Festival is a typical event held by the Yokohama City Skills Organization Liaison Council (Hama Giren) as a place to convey the splendor of manufacturing widely. In fiscal 2020 and fiscal 2021, the event was canceled due to the impact of COVID-19, but in fiscal 2022, the venue will be moved indoors (Yokohama City Skills Cultural Center), and some programs will introduce advance reservations and other measures to prevent the spread of infection. We look forward to your visit.

 Date and time From 10:00 to 16:00 on October 23, 2022 (Sun)
 [Venue] Yokohama Skills Cultural Center (2-4-7 Bandaicho, Naka-ku, Yokohama)
 [Organized] Yokohama-shi technical occupation group communication meeting (Hamagiren) [co-sponsored] Yokohama-shi [cooperation] Yokohama-shi skill culture hall (designated manager: Asuka Co., Ltd.)


  • Some experience programs have an advance reservation system.
  • Advance reservations will be available on the event management system Peatix from 20:00 on September 15th (Thursday).

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