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  6. Press Release FY2020
  7. [Recruitment of Participants] Held “IoT Introduction Support Seminar in Yokohama” to learn from the basics - Learn how to solve business issues using IoT-

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[Recruitment of Participants] Held “IoT Introduction Support Seminar in Yokohama” to learn from the basics - Learn how to solve business issues using IoT-

Last Updated December 18, 2020

Press release materials

December 18, 2020

Economic Affairs Bureau Manufacturing Support Division

Yuki Takayanagi

Phone number: 045-671-3839

Fax: 045-664-4867

 Economic Affairs Bureau Motoichi and Kanto Regional Communications Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, jointly with the Yokohama Corporate Management Support Foundation, will hold an "IoT Introduction Support Seminar in Yokohama" online format to recruit participants.
 In this seminar, students will introduce the characteristics of radio waves and basic knowledge of IoT devices in a comprehensive and easy-to-understand manner, as well as learn how to solve business issues using IoT through workshops and other events. In addition, two companies, Aare Minoya Co., Ltd. (Tsuzuki Ward  ) and ASC Co., Ltd. (Kohoku Ward), will give lectures on the use cases.

Press release materials

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