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I created a photo book of "Yokohama Furniture"

Last Updated March 30, 2021

Press release materials

March 30, 2021

Economic Affairs Bureau Employment and Labor Division

Yuko Utsugi

Phone number: 045-671-2303

Fax: 045-664-9188

Many "Yokohama furniture" on display at the Yokohama Yamate Western-style building have been restored and restored by Yokohama furniture craftsmen.
However, at present, the number of craftsmen in Yokohama furniture is decreasing, and only a limited number of craftsmen are involved in restoration and restoration.
Therefore, in order to tell many people about the succession and spread of valuable skills and the appeal of "Yokohama Furniture", under the supervision of Katsuto Uchida, Yokohama Meister of Western-style furniture (Yokohama Furniture), "Yokohama Yamate West Museum" We made photo book of "Yokohama furniture" and made it available at city-related facilities.

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