

Last Updated November 16, 2020

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[Press Release] We will hold an exchange and online event of Ichinohe & Yokohama flowers!

Press release materials

November 16, 2020

Climate Change Policy Headquarters Coordinating Division

Takeshi Ikegami

Phone number: 045-671-4108

Fax: 045-663-5110

 On February 6, 2019, Yokohama City and Ichinohe Town concluded a partnership agreement on renewable energy with the aim of realizing a decarbonized society based on the concept of the "Regional Recycling Symbiosis Zone" advocated by the government. .
 This event, which will be held in the wake of the agreement, will exchange seedlings collected around Yokohama's representative roses "Hamamirai" and "Rose Yokohama" and "Fuji of Fujishima" in Ichinohe-cho, and each child will plant trees. We will start exchanges through flowers, an important local resource.

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