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  6. [finished] Held workshops on the theme of new lab "Smart Agriculture in Urban Areas"

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[finished] Held workshops on the theme of new lab "Smart Agriculture in Urban Areas"

Last update date April 1, 2024

About I.TOP Yokohama

In 2019, Yokohama City launched the IoT Open Innovation Partners (I.TOP Yokohama), a place for exchange and cooperation, project promotion, and human resource development to create businesses utilizing IoT and other technologies. In collaboration with various companies and institutions in Japan and overseas, I. TOP Yokohama is working to develop high value-added products and services, create new businesses, and solve social issues utilizing new technologies through open innovation.

About I. TOP Yokohama Lab

The city of Yokohama is facing social issues such as a declining birthrate and aging population, a decline in the working-age population, and aging urban infrastructure, mainly in suburban areas. On the other hand, various international events are held, and it is also a city that has opportunities for the future leap, such as transmitting the attractiveness of the city and revitalizing the economy. Under these circumstances, I.TOP Yokohama established the I.TOP Yokohama Lab, which sets demonstration fields and themes in advance and solicits corporate proposals in order to solve problems and possibilities that Yokohama has through IoT and to develop and satisfy needs through IoT. We are supporting the creation and businessization of businesses and others, and working to solve social issues.

Overview of the “I.TOP Yokohama” Agricultural Workshop

“I.TOP Yokohama” has set themes such as “comfortable housing” and “revitalization of commercial facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic” to date, and selected companies are conducting demonstration experiments on rental housing managed by Yokohama City Housing Supply Corporation and in the southern Yokohama market.
Under such circumstances, we have decided to launch a new laboratory on the theme of "smart agriculture in urban areas."
Prior to the recruitment of demonstration experiments, a workshop was held for the purpose of explaining the real issues faced by those engaged in agriculture on cultivated land in the city from the responsible section and deepening the understanding of companies planning to make proposals. To do.
Specific issues include measures to prevent illegal dumping in agricultural areas and theft of crops, damage to birds and beasts, support for crop development, and safety measures for agricultural work vehicles.
We look forward to the participation of companies engaged in the development of new IoT products and services related to smart agriculture.

Date and time of the event

Thursday, December 15, 2022 from 13:00 to 14:00 (end time may vary.)


YOXO (always) BOX
Address: 1-6, Onouecho, Naka-ku, Yokohama ICON Kannai (1st floor)
*Please refer to the link below for details of the YOXO BOX.


Companies that are interested in “I. TOP Yokohama Lab” (smart agriculture in urban areas) and intend to propose demonstration experiments
※ The purpose of this event is to fill the gap between the concept for demonstration experiments of companies working on commercialization of new IoT products and services and the sense of issues that farmers in the city actually have in question and answer sessions in the workshop. Please attend as realistic as possible because it is an event to be held.

Application method and application deadline

Please apply from Yokohama-shi electronic application by 17:00 on Tuesday, December 13.

Details of implementation

Details of implementation
  Contents Explanatory/Participants Time
What is “I. TOP Yokohama”? Yokohama-shi Economic Affairs Bureau 10 minutes
Challenges faced by farmers cultivating in Yokohama City City of Yokohama, Environmental Planning Bureau 15 minutes
Q&A and exchange of opinions 35 minutes


(I. TOP Yokohama Project Creation Business Outsourcing: Mitsubishi UFJ Research & Consulting Co., Ltd.)

Inquiries to this page

Economic Affairs Bureau Startup Innovation Promotion Office Industrial Collaboration Promotion Section (I. TOP Yokohama)

Telephone: 045-671-4600

Telephone: 045-671-4600

Fax: 045-664-4867

Email address:

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Page ID: 354-972-450


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