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Survey Season Report No. 9

Last Updated July 3, 2024

Survey Season Report No. 9, Special Feature / Proposal for “Creating a City in Yokohama” (November 1965)


Survey Season Report No. 9 Table of Contents [PDF version]
Name of articleName of the authorPage

"City development" for who (PDF: 183KB)

Takai Labor


Special Feature / Proposal for “Creating a City in Yokohama”


1.Note for Yokohama City Planning (PDF: 307KB)

Makoto Ishikawa7~13

2.From proposal, defense to city policy to construction (PDF: 291KB)

Yui Shirane


3.For the creation of Yokohama tomorrow (PDF: 250KB)

Toshio Hayase


4.Protest of Urban Development in Yokohama (PDF: 303KB)

Minoru Nakamura28~34
5.Read "Creating a City in Yokohama" (PDF: 204KB)Hikosaburo Okonogi


6.Citizen's remarks on urban development (PDF: 187KB)Research Office


Administrative research--
Overseas Urban Traffic Conditions (PDF: 254KB)Kenichiro Muraoka45~50
Impressions of youth issues in Western Europe and the United States (PDF: 325KB)Tomi Kei Uemura51~57
The logic of the national treasury subsidy project and the actual situation of excess burden (PDF: 430KB)Hatsuo Umezaki58~67
Fundamental Issues of Social Education (PDF: 173KB)Motoya Tashiro68~71
Responding to Professor Tashiro's criticism (PDF: 144KB)Yoshiharu Shimizu72~74
Introduction of materials--
Establishment of a tax system that responds to large city finances (PDF: 194KB)Research Office75~78

Introduction of new books


Modern local politics (PDF: 51KB)

Research Office79

Anatomy of large cities (PDF: 66KB)

Research Office80

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