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Survey Quarterly Report No. 152

Last Updated July 2, 2024

Survey Seasonal Report No. 152, Special Feature / Collaboration with Citizenship-Thinking about the ideal way (issued in March 2003)


1. The way of collaboration between public interest social movement groups and the government (PDF: 2,077KB)
●Yuji Kishi, Aya Kawasaki, Shizue Hamada, Yoshihiko Nawata, Hiroshi Nakada, (Coordinator) Chiyoko Hiraiwa _2-11

2. Citizen collaboration in Yokohama-shi social movement joint office (PDF: 624KB) ●Toshiyuki Maruhashi _12-15

3. We think about collaboration with citizen power from staff consciousness, citizen consciousness (PDF: 690KB) ●Editorial Department: 16-19

4. Competition and Cooperation between cities around NPOs-Reflecting on Yokohama from the movement of citizen collaboration in other neighboring cities (PDF: 2,050KB)
●Akihiko Ito, Takashi Kumazawa, Shingo Kozano, Keiichi Teratani, Shigeru Nakamura, Kengo Hanyu, Yoshinori Arakawa, 20-29

5. Significance and Role of NPOs as a social sector

(1)Appearance and Role of Intermediate Support Organizations in Collaboration (PDF: 790KB) ●Hiroshi Utsumi, Etsuko Sakurai, 30-33

(2)Think about information power for city management of collaboration (PDF: 659KB) ●Study Group on Collaboration Information Subcommittee _34-37

(3)New leaders in the local economy-Summary of Yokohama-shi community business fact-finding (PDF: 503KB) ●Yasuko Otomo _38-41

6. Think about the mechanism of collaboration with NPOs

(1)Think about the way of funding to public interest social movement groups (PDF: 560KB)
●Chiharu Iga, Atsuko Ishibutsu, Noriko Onodera, Akihito Kobayashi, Yasuo Kobayashi, Masayuki Sekiguchi, Norio Tomioka, Tomoko Furuya, 42-45

(2)Thinking about collaboration through consignment-Exploring a new collaborative business structure (PDF: 895KB)
●Sou Nakano, Kazuyoshi Murata, Naoko Akino, Kumiko Nakagawa, 46-51

7. Considering the development of new collaborative projects unique to Yokohama

(1)From town development of citizen participation to town development of collaboration (trial of Kohoku New Town Eda district) (PDF: 602KB)
●Hiroaki Tsuzukibashi, Yoshi Miyazawa, 52-55

(2)In search of new relationship between citizen, landowner and administration over forest land, farmland (PDF: 920KB)
●Takashi Enari, Shizuru Tanami, Yoshinao Okura, Mihoko Yoshitake, 56-59

(3)Cultural activities of the creation and collaboration of bustling city center like Yokohama (PDF: 710KB) ●Seiji Tochigi, Yumi Kajiyama, Yasuyuki Akimoto, 60-63

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